What's Going On - After Easter - April 20, 2022

What’s Going On? After Easter – April 19, 2022

Now that we have celebrated the high point of the Christian Calendar, what is next?  As church leaders we often feel a bit of a let down after big events.  A lot of energy went into the Lent, Good Friday and Easter services and suddenly it is the week after Easter and (surprise, surprise) Sunday is coming again.

The good news is that we have something of a plan, at least through early June.  This will be a season of transition.  We hope the weather will transition into spring.  We also recognize this as a time of year when weekday ministries are finishing their season.

So here are some of the Sunday things that are coming up.  This Sunday we will look at Easter from behind the scenes using Revelation 5.  Then the next week we will pick up the Cadet theme “God is in Control” and use a sermon in conversation format as Pastor Peter and I tackle that subject together.  In Mid-May we will have an installation of office-bearers service, likely coupled with a message on The Beatitudes.  After that we will have two different Ascension services.  Peter will preach his final intern sermon on Jesus final words in Matthew 28; the following week I will look at the choosing of the disciple to replace Judas as we take the time to say fare-well to Brandon and Peter as staff at Mountainview (any connection you might make between the passage and the occasion is purely coincidental).  Then on Pentecost Sunday we will welcome Colin and Kathleen Wassenaar who are in Canada on a break from their work in Cambodia.  That is June 5, which is also the final service of Fruitland CRC.

Along with what is happening on Sunday, an interview team continues to meet prospective Discipleship Pastors.  We are hopeful that we can share the conclusion of our work by late May.

And the facilitators of the Challenging Conversations groups are looking to get together and discern what a next step might be for Mountainview.

So there you have at least a peak into some of what is going on in the near future.  Blessings to you as you continue your works of ministry wherever you go.

Pastor Erick

Karin Terpstra