What's Going On? Coming and Going - May 4, 2022

What’s Going On? Coming and Going

There are three areas of transition I would like to think about with you.

First, the transition of office-bearers.  I really appreciate the energy that goes into their selection.  People are asked and oriented and inspired in a preparatory meeting that gives them a sense of what they are being called into.  And I am glad we could celebrate the opportunity afforded to those whose names were chosen.  As was said on Sunday, when people are done their time in office it can feel like a loss.  There is a bond that forms on those teams as challenges are met and conversations happen.  Thanks to all who have been serving and to those who were called to let their name stand.  God has provided much leadership ability in this community and it is nice to be able to share that load.

The second transition is of members.  We recently were able to read words of farewell from John and Joan Buma as they make a move to Westport.  They wrote that and sent it to us.  I simply want to point out that if you are making a move we would be thrilled and appreciative if you would do the same and send us a note.  You may be thinking, why doesn’t the church staff do that?  Or the elders?  If we were a small community and the transitions happened in a consistent manner, then that would probably work.  However, the formal part of “membership transfer”, if it happens at all, usually happens so late that it would seem silly to say anything.  And so, instead of doing farewells poorly and inconsistently, we leave it in your capable hands, with encouragement, to communicate your departure.

The coming side of membership is new members.  Here too there are a variety of ways in, and we seek to meet you in whatever way you need.  Some people grow up here and make a public profession of faith.  Others come from different churches.  Still others have Mountainview as their first-ever church.  Whatever the case, we would love to help you take appropriate steps to be engaged as fully as possible.  Just contact me or another staff team member.  And, if you would like more time to simply participate as a friend or guest, feel free to do that.  We are here to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus, not to get our membership numbers up.

Finally, the transition of staff.  Through no fault of my own (let me be quick to point out 😊) and for various reasons, if you count Mike Collins’ going, we have seen five staff members decide to step away from our team in the last year and almost a half since I arrived.  And we are looking at bringing in a couple of staff members with different job descriptions.  This will automatically change the nature and feel of our staff team and will reshape the way Mountainview is led, to a degree.  Saying good-bye is hard; meeting new people brings out a mix of excitement and nervousness.  We pray that God will guide us through the present staff transitions, as well as the office-bearer and member transitions, in a way that reminds us that he loves us and wants to be in relationship with us through whatever changes we experience.

Pastor Erick

Karin Terpstra