What's Going On - Updates - March 23, 2022

What’s Going On? Updates

You are probably aware, especially if you have been longing for this moment, we are moving to “mask-optional” in our worship this Sunday.  It has been a long couple years of restricted access to each other and so for many, this is a very welcome time.  At the same time, we are aware that the restrictions are being removed even though Covid is not gone and so we also welcome people to continue to wear a mask when that makes them feel more comfortable and/or safer.  Another part of this next stage is that we will have refreshments after worship, and you are invited to enjoy that together and reconnect with some people you may not have seen for a long time.  We will be using nametags on Sunday morning.  Not that you have necessarily forgotten people’s names, but in recognition that there have been new people joining us in the last while and we want everyone to be able to connect more.

When the first lockdown happened over two years ago, I thought we would be back together by that Easter.  I was two Easters ahead of reality.  And while this Sunday is not yet Easter, the providential set-up that the spiritual discipline we are looking at is hospitality seems wonderfully fitting.  We will have a chance to collectively host each other as we gather for worship this Sunday.

A second update is that our Challenging Conversations / Listening Circles are going well.  The biggest challenge for most groups seems to have been finding dates that work.  However, now most groups are past the half-way mark and those participating have found a comfort level with each other that allows for open sharing.  As mentioned on Sunday, there is one group about to start yet, and so if you are still interested email a staff member, using office@mountainviewcrc.org if you don’t know which of us to contact.

The next stage. after the group conversations are done, is to figure out if there is anything more we need to do with the Human Sexuality Report.  So far, having the conversations is the whole plan.  That is intentional because having the next step planned before the conversations happen seems to assume what the results will be of that experience.  As the groups conclude and the board meets, we should begin to get a sense of what is next.  Your input is, as always, welcome.

A third update is to say that there was a good amount of interest in the spiritual disciplines retreat and so finding a date and place is underway.  It looks like it will be a two-night retreat in mid-May. 

Fourth and final update:  an interview team is being formed for the Discipleship Pastor search.  We have two candidates that have sent resumes to us, and we seek your prayers as we discern along with them how God is leading in the decisions that need to be made.

Pray that God will continue to bless and guide us as we all move forward together through the time and opportunities in which we have been blessed to serve.

Pastor Erick Schuringa

Karin Terpstra