What's Going On - Spiritual Disciplines Retreat - March 16, 2022

On Sunday I mentioned that, if people are interested, I would run a spiritual disciplines retreat.  We will be looking at 7 disciplines during this sermon series and I think we could get a taste of each of them in a two or three day retreat.

What I would like to do here is give a little more detail.  I am assuming that most people reading this have not done something like this and most of us like to have a bit more information before jumping in.

The purpose of doing this as a retreat is so that we can have training and support.  The big gift that comes with going on a retreat is that you get to share your experience with others, talk about what is going on, and feel the automatic sense of support that comes with doing something together.

Here is how I envision the retreat unfolding:

1.     We would gather at a retreat centre (my first choice is Crieff Hills since I know it well) and settle into our space and receive some orientation about what will happen and what to expect.

2.     Silence and Solitude would frame the experience.  There would be long stretches of time where we would refrain from speaking.  When we are not in silence we will spend time sharing and reflecting on what is happening.

3.     Fasting would be part of the middle of the retreat.  There could be options for people to fast in different ways from giving up particular foods all the way to a full 24 hour fast.  The fast is in the middle so that we can prepare ourselves for that experience.

4.     Study could take place during any part of the silence.  Likely we would all study the same part of scripture with the same guidelines so that we could see how God speaks to us differently even using the same material.  The coming together of various experiences enriches and fills out the experience for all.

5.     Service can be experienced simply by taking part in the thing we need to do to meet the practical needs of our stay.  Service can also happen through intentional activities in which we do something for the people around us.

6.     Hospitality in this case will be hand in glove with service.  Living together, even for a couple days, requires acts of hospitality that allow us to bless others.

7.     Creation as a spiritual discipline involves listening to God as you pay attention to the messages of nature.  This discipline also fits well with silence and solitude as we take time to notice, listen, and wonder about the world around us, slowing down in a way that allows us to see what we might normally miss.

8.     Finally, Feasting is an excellent way to end a retreat.  We will be able to take time to feast on what God has done, feast on music, as well as feasting on flavour in food.

9.     The summary of this retreat is that it would be an opportunity to learn about disciplines, then practice them, then reflect on the experience.  All this would be done in community with others and in a setting conducive to retreat.

That is the basics.  I suspect some would like more information.  Hopefully this is enough for you to consider saying “I’m in.”  If so, let me know and when we have group we will start to lean into the fun challenge of finding a time and a place that works best and that is available for us.  My promise is this:  if you are interested, I will find a way to help you experience creating space for God through a taste of the spiritual disciplines.

Pastor Erick

Karin Terpstra