Small Group Questions - June 21st, 2020

“Pre-Deciding… The Power of A Decision”

Bible Reading Daniel 1 & Genesis 39:6-10

Take time to read the text in your group

From Luke 14:25-35


1.  How have you counted the costs before tackling a project at home or at work? What did you pre-decide beforehand before you started the project? Why?


2.  What does it take to be Jesus’ disciple? (14:27)

3.  What should a person consider before building a tower? (14:28)

4.  *What consequences result from not counting the cost before building? (14:29-30)

5.  *How did a king determine his odds in a war? (14:31)

6.  What would be the logical step if a king discovered his manpower was insufficient? (14:32)

7.  When would a king send a delegation to another king? (14:32)

8. *How did Jesus use the examples of building a tower and preparing for war? (14:33)

9.  What can be done with salt that has lost its saltiness? (14:34-35)

10. What phrase did Jesus use to compel the crowd to consider His words? (14:35)


11.  How do most people react to Jesus’ terms of discipleship?

12.  How possible do these conditions of discipleship seem to you now?

13.  *What costs do we need to count in following Jesus?

14.  What costs of following Jesus seem especially high to you? Why?

15.  Why is it worth paying the price to follow Jesus? Explain?

16.  When has your faith cost you something? Explain?

Read Eph 1:4-5

17.  How does it make you feel knowing that God has adopted you as his child?

18.  As you think about counting the cost or pre-deciding your values, what things in your life have you pre-decided when it comes to being a follower of Jesus?  Explain why?

Karin Terpstra