Small Group Questions - June 28th, 2020
“Making Great Decisions…
The Greatest Decision You Can Make…
The Power of A Decision”
Take time to read the text in your group
1. What is the best gift you have ever received?
2. Why did Nicodemus believe Jesus was from God? (3:2)
3. What is the qualification for seeing the kingdom of God? (3:3)
4. *What is required to enter the kingdom of God? (3:5-6)
5. How did Jesus compare the wind to the Spirit? (3:8)
6. About what category of things did Jesus say He was talking? (3:12)
7. Who did Jesus say had gone to heaven? (3:13)
8. How did Jesus compare Moses’ snake with the Son of Man? (3:14)
9. How did God demonstrate His love for the world? (3:16)
10. *Why did God send His Son into the world? (3:17)
11. How does the person who lives by truth respond to the light? (3:19-21)
Get It
12. *How would you describe what it means to be born again to someone?
13. What were some of the things that caused you to believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
14. Why are spiritual truths often hard to understand?
15. What are a few spiritual truths that you struggle to understand?
Apply It
16. The greatest decision you can make in your life is to want to be with God as much as he wants to be with you! True or False and Why?
17. Have you ever discipled someone who was not a Christian to understand how important this decision is? Tell us about that experience?
18. Do you think Mountainview does a good job at discipling new Christians? Why or Why not? What would need to change?