Small Group Questions June 14th

“ If I Could Just Go Back… The Power of A Decision”

Bible Reading John 21 & Romans 8 (select verses)
Take time to read the text in your group

Connect: Describe your thoughts, emotions and/or actions after you make a bad decision.

Reflect on what bad decisions continue to haunt your thoughts and spiritual well-being.

1.   Read John 21:15-19

2.  Why did Jesus engage Peter with his three “Do you love me?” questions.

3.  How could Jesus’ three “feed my sheep and lambs” commands help Peter focus on his further ministry?

4.  How were Peter’s affirmative responses borne out in the rest of his life?

5.  Consider how Jesus responds to your bad decisions as he did with Peter’s.

 Realize that there is redemption for the bad decisions that you make.

1.  Read Romans chapter 8, with emphasis on verses 1-4, 26-28 and 37-39.

2.  How does the promise in verse 26 that the Spirit helps us in our “weakness” apply to our decision-making?

3.  In verse 28, how does the promise that “all things work for our good” impact our view of the consequences of a bad decision?

4.  In verses 37 through 39, we have promises that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. How does Christ’s love help in our decisions and the consequences of our bad decisions?

5.  If our sinful nature contributes to bad decisions, how does Christ’s forgiveness help us through the consequences of these decisions?

6.  Are you able to forgive yourself for bad decisions?

Karin Terpstra