November 19th, 2023 - The Lord's Prayer - How You Should Pray

Scripture Passage:  Matthew 6:5-15

Scripture Passage:  Matthew 6:5-15 - “How You Should Pray”

After gathering, connecting, enjoying refreshments and checking-in or catching up, discuss the following questions.

1.     How often do you use the Lord’s Prayer? 

2.     Do you recite the Lord’s prayer or do you use it as a guide?

3.     What do you make of the different versions of the Lord’s prayer in Matthew, Luke, and the King James’ Version?  Is this news to you? 

4.     What does it mean to you to pray to your heavenly Father?

5.     How might you participate in making sure God’s name is respected appropriately?

6.     What is kingdom work that you pray about and participate in?

7.     Is there an area in your life in which you are working on surrendering to God’s will?

8.     How do you understand what you have as being part of God’s communal provision?

9.     Share a time when you struggled to forgive.  Does it help to think of God’s forgiveness as your guide?

10.            How do you understand the place of temptation in your life?  How do you deal with it?

Spend time as a group in prayer.  Perhaps work through the sections of the Lord’s Prayer as your guide for the prayer time together.  One person could say one of the lines, then leave time for related prayers before moving on to the next line.

Karin Terpstra