February 11th, 2024 - The Power of Money

Scripture Passage: 1 Timothy 6:6-10; 17-19


After gathering, connecting, enjoying refreshments and checking-in or catching up, discuss the following questions.


1.     How do you feel about sermons on money?  Do you wish they happened more, or less?

2.     Do you have an idea from your experience of what “godliness as a means to financial gain” might mean?

3.     What does contentment mean to you?  In what ways are you content?  Where in your life is contentment a challenge?

4.     Does it help you to step back and put your life in perspective – to think of your mortality, or that you are one of 4 billion people on this planet in the midst of and gigantic and expanding universe?

5.     What is the silliest or stupidest thing you have done with or for money? (that you are willing to share with the group)

6.     How does your use of money show what you love or value?

7.     Have you ever not had enough money to pay for basics like groceries?  What did you learn from that experience? 

8.     As humbly as you can, brag about ways that you are rich in good deeds and sharing and generosity.  Share about a time that you found joy in this area.

9.  Is there anything you could change or adjust so that you use God’s gifts to you (particularly financial ones) in ways that are more life-giving to you and others? (of course there is something, but what are you willing to lean into and share at this time)


Spend time as a group in prayer.

Karin Terpstra