March 26, 2023 - Lent Communion Series, “Fasting or Feasting?” 5th Sunday of Lent

Scripture Passage: Matthew 9:14-17

1.    Was there anything that stood out to you from the passage or the sermon?

2.     Have you ever had an experience where your instructions felt unclear but later on they made sense?

3.     Have you ever fasted before? What did you fast from? What did you learn from the experience?

4.     What is something that you could fast from that would help you to be more focused on your relationship with God?

5.     Describe your ideal feast. Who is there? What are you eating? What’s the occasion?

6.     “Sometimes it almost feels like Jesus is being confusing on purpose!” Why do you think Jesus uses confusing phrases and parables as his primary teaching method? 

7.     If John the Baptist’s disciples were asking the wrong question, what question do you think Jesus wanted them to ask instead?

8.     How do you see the world: black and white, grey, colourful, a mix of all three?

9.     What is your most intentional spiritual practice? What has God been showing you through that practice?

10.   What’s one way that you could practise more intentionality in your relationship with God?

11.   How could someone at Mountainview strive to see God?


Karin Terpstra