April 2, 2023 - Lent Communion Series, “Until He Comes” Palm Sunday

Scripture Passage: Revelation 19:6-9

1.     What is an image that comes to mind when you think of Jesus’ return?  What will it be like?
2.     Have you thought of communion as a foretaste of a future banquet before?  That is, has the theme of anticipation regularly been part of your communion experience?
3.     What are you looking forward to at the end of our earthly part of the journey?  Do you have particular questions you hope will be answered?
4.     What do you think people were excited about on Palm Sunday when Jesus rode in?  How are you excited about similar things?
5.     Does communion make sense to you?  What happens in communion?
6.     What are your thoughts on “changing it up to keep it fresh” vs “being consistent so the truth works itself into our soul” when it comes to communion?
7.     How has this season of communion in lent shaped your understanding of this sacrament?  What has surprised you? Do you see how there are many themes in communion and they are all worth considering?
8.     What else is on your mind from this sermon, passage, worship experience or from this season of lent?

Karin Terpstra