March 19, 2023 - Lent Communion Series, “One Body” 4th Sunday of Lent
Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
1. Name the part of your body that you like. (“I have nice fingers” “People say I have beautiful eyes”)
2. If you could claim to be a particular body part in the church, which part would you be? Expand or explain.
3. If Jew/Gentile and Slave/Free are not the divide for you, what would it be? Who is the “other group” for you?
4. How have you experienced the Spirit uniting people? (this is a hard question so you may need to dig deep on this one)
5. Has God ever sent an unusual person into your life to help you grow in a new direction?
6. Which weaker, less presentable people in our community would you say we should give more honour to? How might you help do this?
7. How does “one part suffers, we all suffer” work in a community the size of Mountainview?
8. Which communion theme has been most instructive to you so far?
9. Which communion delivery method has been most meaningful to you so far?
10. Anything else from the passage, sermon or discussion you want to comment on?