Small Group Questions: Communion Series, “The Mystery of the Bread of Life” 3rd Sunday of Lent - March 12, 2023

Scripture Passage: John 6:43-59

1.     What is one of the hardest things for you to understand or believe in the Bible or the Christian faith?

2.     How do you deal with things you do not fully understand?  Do you wrestle with it or try to ignore it?  Do you share your questions or bring them to others?  Do you research?

3.     In communion we hear Jesus’ words:  “This is my body”.  How, in your own words, is the bread Jesus’ body?

4.     How do you process a miracle like the feeding of the 5000?  Why did Jesus do this miracle and not always feed everyone everywhere?  What was the point or purpose of the feeding?

5.     How much did Jesus’ disciples understand what was going on or what Jesus was saying/teaching?  How much do you understand?

6.     Do you find the connection to Old Testament stories like the manna and the grumbling helpful?

7.     Jesus talks about eating his flesh and drinking his blood in John 6 long before the Last Supper.  What do you figure the disciples did with that?  Can you see how it may have been a “hard teaching”?

8.     Pastor Erick says “our relationship with Jesus goes beyond knowledge”.  Do you agree?  Do you find this helpful?

9.     Anselm coined the phrase “faith in search of understanding”.  Does this connect with your experience?

10.   How clearly would you say one needs to understand “the bread” when participating in communion?

11.    Any other thoughts, ideas or questions arising from John 6, the sermon, or this discussion?

Karin Terpstra