Small Group Questions: Communion Series, “Communion A Cleansing” 2nd Day of Lent - March 5, 2023
Scripture Passage: Psalm 51.
1. Was there anything striking or surprising about this passage or the message?
2. To whom or with whom are you most easily honest? Name a person or the kind of person.
3. How do you respond when someone tells you they have done something wrong? Does it make a difference if you are the victim as opposed to hearing as a third party?
4. What or whom have you blamed for why you did something wrong?
5. How do you reconcile the beauty and innocence of a newborn baby with “sinful from the time my mother conceived me”?
6. Have you ever felt completely clean because of confessing? Are you willing to share the story?
7. How does God create a new heart in us? What are some of the steps and experiences of that? What is you experience with that?
8. What is something you have learned well by getting it very wrong first? Have you taught others about this?
9. What is the difference in the meaning of “sacrifice” in verse 16, 17 and 19? Does this help with understanding how God is at work?
10. Is there a way in which you can describe “confession” as beautiful or inspiring or attractive?