Small Group Questions: Communion Series, “Discerning the Body” 1st Day of Lent - February 26, 2023

Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34.

1.     What are your earliest memories of your experience of communion?  What was it like for you as a child, for example?

2.     Do you prepare differently for a service that includes communion?  If so, how?

3.     Based on this passage/sermon, is there different ways you should consider preparing?

4.     Talk about what it means to participate in an “unworthy manner”.  Did this message help you understand that better or differently?

5.     What are your thoughts on children participating in communion? 

6.     On what basis does anyone participate in communion?

7.     Have you had communion is some other setting (besides Mountainview) that you found meaningful?

8.     Are there things about how we practice communion at Mountainview that you really appreciate?

9.     Are there things about communion at Mountainview that you would like to see added, or emphasized differently, or changed?

10. What makes communion meaningful in your experience?

Karin Terpstra