Caring Encounters - Jesus Hospitality #1 - Hospitality Jesus Style - November 6, 2022

Scripture Passage:  John 4:1-26, 39-42


Once you have settled in, connected, shared refreshments, etc, consider these questions together.


1.     What words or idea in the passage or sermon stuck out for you?  What grabbed your attention? 

2.     What assumptions did you have about the Samaritan Woman?  Have any of those changed?

3.     Do you tend to move toward conflict or away from it?

4.     What is something you could do to prepare to meet with and engage someone who has a difference of opinion from you?

5.     What are some shared values or truths you have with those with whom you differ?

6.     Can you share a time when a conversation with someone opened you to something you hadn’t thought of before?

7.     Is there someone with whom you might need to have this kind of conversation?

8.     What is a step you could take to prepare for or begin that conversation?


Close in prayer. 

Schedule your next time to gather.

Karin Terpstra