Caring Encounters - Roman Road #4 - A New Reformation - October 30th, 2022

Scripture Passage:  Romans 14


Once you have settled in, connected, shared refreshments, etc, consider these questions together.


1.     What words or idea in the passage or sermon stuck out for you?  What grabbed your attention? 

2.     What, in your opinion, is weak faith and what is strong faith?

3.     Do you tend to think of yourself in one group or the other? How so?

4.     How do you respond to the idea that “it doesn’t matter on which side you see yourself”?

5.     What, in your opinion, is an indisputable matter?

6.     What would you  consider a disputable matter?

7.     How do you deal with sacred days (sabbaths, Christmas, Easter etc)

8.     Is there something you see that is a stumbling block for you?

9.     Is there any time that you do, or should, avoid causing others to stumble?

10. What is a step you can take to further re-shape your heart toward peace and mutual edification?


Close in prayer. 

Schedule your next time to gather.

Karin Terpstra