January 26th, 2020 Message Notes


Sunday January 26, 2020

Pastor Martin Vellekoop

“Worthy” Living and Church Vitality

Ephesians 4:1-6

2 Key Questions…

How Important are Christian Lifestyle Choices?

What is a Christian Lifestyle?

Christian ______________ = to God’s _____________

(Starts with Ephesians 1-3)

4 Characteristics for “Worthy” Living

1.   Being _____________  _____________

2.   Being _____________

3.   Being _____________

4.   Keeping _________ of the Spirit through _________

Staying Focused:

January 27-31

Daily Encouragement to apply Sunday’s Message

Monday January 271 Peter 2:11-12

How we act, what we say, our attitudes towards our neighbours…all this matters.  Let’s pray for each other as we live with our neighbours and make life choices that demonstrate God’s influence over our lives.     

Tuesday January 28Galatians 5:22-23

It’s not easy to be gentle, humble, patient and peace creating.  In fact we can behave in anything but these ways.  Let’s pray for the Spirit to help us with our personalities and attitudes so that we can more fully respond in ways that bring Jesus glory.

Wednesday January 29Matthew 5:1-12

In a way we can look at our own lives and the life of Mountainview from the perspective of the beatitudes (beatitude means blessing).  Let’s apply these attitudes in  all our relationships.  Then we’ll discover blessing.

Thursday  January 30Proverbs 4:1-19

The Bible, as God’s word, makes a clear distinction between the wisdom of following God and living our lives in other ways.  May you truly experience God’s grace and contentment as you pursue God’s wisdom daily.   

Friday January 31Ephesians 4:1-6

Why not read this part of the Bible again.  Let it be a reminder for you.  Remember.  This way of living finds its “nutrition” or “fuel” in the grace of God through Christ as described in Ephesians 1-3.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Grace and Peace. 

Karin Terpstra