January 19, 2020 Message Notes


Sunday January 19th, 2020

Pastor Martin Vellekoop

Jesus and the 3 Beggars

Mark 5:1-20

Note Jesus’…

·         _____________ Power

·         _____________ Power

·         _____________ for Image Bearers

1.   The Demon(s?) named Legion (Mark 5:1-13)

·         _____________ → Beg Permission ____  _________

·         Jesus’ Response → _______________

—They ____________   ____________

2.   The Townspeople (Mark 5:14-17)

·         ___________ → Beg Jesus ____  _________

·         Jesus’ Response → _______________

—Jesus __________ them

3.   The Freed Man (Mark 5:18-20)

·         __________ → Begs ____  _____ with Jesus

·         Jesus’ Response → __________________

—   _______ and _________

Staying Focused: 

January 20-24 Bible Readings

Daily encouragement to apply Sunday’s message

Monday January 20 — James 2:19; Revelation 20:7-10

Sometimes it seems that evil is so powerful.  The devil and demons seem to have free reign.  Praise God that our Saviour Jesus is the one who we are to respect and that He is the one who causes Satan himself to cower in fear.   

Tuesday January 21 — Romans 1:24; Romans 8:35-39

As followers of Christ we can be assured of God’s continued care and love for us.  Nothing can break God’s hold (hug?) on committed disciples.

Wednesday January 22 — Psalm 98

Let this psalm remind you once again of the joy and comfort God’s people have as they follow Him.  May you experience His grace today.  Try to notice God’s presence and activity around you.

Thursday January 23 — Mark 5:18-20

How would you describe the difference Jesus has made in your life?  Why not pray about this? Try writing it down, or perhaps, tell someone.  Let them share in your joy.

Friday January 24— Matthew 28:16-20

This is a well-known set of verses for seasoned followers of Christ.  To be sent sometimes collides with our deep longing to be safe in our church community.  Let’s ask God to give all of us the desire and courage to go and tell.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Grace and Peace!

Karin Terpstra