Caring Encounters: TBH/Full Disclosure - October 2, 2022
Message: “TBH/Full Disclosure”
Scripture Passage: Romans 7:14-25
Once you have settled in, connected, shared refreshments, etc, consider these questions together.
1. Put Romans 7 into a single word or phrase that captures what it seems to be about.
2. What words or idea in the passage or sermon stuck out for you? What grabbed your attention?
3. Great Debate #1: do you think Paul is writing about his pre-conversion experience or his post-conversion struggle?
4. What difference does it make if it is one or the other?
5. Debate #2: Are you trespassing if you didn’t see the sign?
6. How do you see the connection between the law and being aware of sinning?
7. Debate #3: is your self-identification more toward “good itself does not dwell in me” or “delight in God’s law”?
8. Do you relate to Paul’s expression of frustration in this passage? Was there a time when you expressed the same kind of thing?
9. “Thanks be to God…” Can you finish that statement in your own words stating what you are thankful to God for in terms of your new life?
Close in prayer.
Schedule your next time to gather.