Caring Encounters: Reconciling In Christ - September 25, 2022

Message: Reconciling In Christ”
Scripture Passage: Ephesians 2:11-22


Take some time to connect with each other.  If you are a new group, take the time to introduce yourselves.  If you are a returning group, catch up on what has been going on in each other’s lives.


1.     This is a series about caring encounters.  How are you feeling about the topic? (scared, excited, indifferent, curious, etc)

2.     What words or idea in the passage or sermon stuck out for you?  What grabbed your attention?  (if this question gives you enough to talk about for your entire small group time, perfect!)

3.     Take a moment to skim Ephesians 2. How familiar are you with verses 1-10? How familiar are you with verses 11-22? Why do you think we typically emphasize the first 10 verses and not the rest of the chapter?

4.     Remember, we are not saved by works, we are saved for works. What kind of good works has God saved you for? How are you working to serve God and the people around you?

5.     Can you think of a new way that you would like to serve that you currently are not?

6.     What are the implications for us that Jews and Gentiles are reconciled to God and to each other? How can we apply this same idea of reconciling outsiders and insiders to our daily life?

7.     Pastor Brady referenced three practices from Rev. Sandra Van Opstal on how to accomplish reconciliation: Hospitality, Solidarity, and Mutuality. Which one of these do you think we need to work at the most in our Mountainview community?

8.     Which one do you, personally, need to work at the most?


Close in prayer.  (have one person pray or go around the circle and have each person take a turn).

Schedule your next time to gather.

Peter Van Geest