June 5, 2022 News


Join us at 10 am Sunday morning via live-stream or in-person, or at any time throughout the week. This Sunday Pastor Erick will present a message entitled “The Spirit on All People”. He’ll be looking at the books of Joel 2:28-32; and Acts 2:17-21.

Pentecost, the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, is an earth-shaking and history changing event. We will look at how human dynamics and world events are shaped by God's Spirit moving.


You can still contribute a card or token of celebration, appreciation and gratitude to the basket on the welcome centre!. (Please remember to mark names on the envelopes). Last Sunday, in our morning worship service, we celebrated the ministry of Brandon Vermeer, Ministry Associate and Peter Kranenburg, Pastoral Intern. We gave thanks for their service, for their gifts and the blessing they both have been to our congregation. May God bless them as they move on to other places of employment.

BBQ & VISIT: This Sunday June 5th we welcome Kathleen & Colin Wassenaar, one of our missionaries in Cambodia to join us. Kathleen will be sharing during the service about her work with EMI. After the service, join us for coffee and BBQ hosted by the deacons. Enjoy a chance to chat and get to know Colin & Kathleen a bit more.

It's Summer Mission Circle "Open House"  Wednesday mornings (9:30 - 11:30am) at Betsy Witteveen's home (20 Lakeside Dr.). Bring your knitting, crocheting, etc. and join us whenever you can for a morning out.  Anyone is welcome.  Bring a friend, learn a new skill. For info call 905-945-8092 or 905-719-5612.


New Reads in the Library: This week’s highlight: “One Church Many Tribes: Following Jesus the Way God Made You” by Richard Twiss

In this captivating chronicle of the Native American story, Richard Twiss of the Rosebud Lakota/Sioux sifts through myth and legend to reveal God's strategy for the nation's host people. One Church, Many Tribes is a rallying cry for the Church to work as one so that the lost may learn to walk in life with beauty, along the path of the Waymaker.

Join us in Praying for Synod 2022 - Synodical delegates, church leaders, and CRCNA members across the continent are praying for Synod 2022. Please join us!. We will post prayer guides on the Network each time so that you can pray with us at a time that works for you as families, individuals, church councils, small groups, etc. Need some prayer points to pray through now?

Join Together for 40 Days of Prayer Before Synod 2022 - As part of the CRCNA's year-long prayer initiative, Together Seeking God's Face, you are invited into a 40-day season of intentional, guided prayer leading up to Synod 2022. Sign up for daily Scripture and prayer prompts to be sent to your email for 40 days at crcna.org/pray


What an amazing concert! Thank you, everyone, for supporting, watching, and donating to our year end concert last Friday. Our members have been working so hard all year to showcase and perform their songs for you. Your participation, donations, and engagement meant so much to each member, allowing them to feel that they truly belong. believe. inspire. If you would like to share, watch again, or simply keep a record of the concert, please click the Link HERE. The concert was saved on our YouTube Channel.

You can learn more about some of the exciting things happening at Cairn Christian School in their most recent quarterly Compass Newsletter and Building the Way Campaign Newsletter which have both hit the mail this week. You can access them digitally at https://simplebooklet.com/spring22002cairncompass and at https://bit.ly/BTWMay2022

Thanks for attending our Celebrations of learning last week. What an amazing display of gifts and learning! Our schoolwork and the development of our skills and talents are a direct act of worship to Christ the King! Colossians 3:23-24. We praise God for the opportunity for students to share what they have learned and the gifts they have been given with their family and friends and with our surrounding community. We give thanks for all our attendees and for the support they continue to show our students and our schools. We give thanks that we could celebrate community together side by side. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

SAVE THE DATE: HURRAY!!!!  After 3 years, we are happy to announce that on Monday August 1, 2022, we will once again be hosting the “Fun” raising Golf Tournament at Whiskey Run Golf Course in Port Colborne in support of the Seafarers Ministry of John & Grace  Van Huizen.  Get your teams of 4 together.  Single golfers also welcome. We will arrange a team for you.  Questions? Contact John (289-213-0252) or Grace (289-362-6322);  john.air2sea@yahoo.

Send Us Your Church Life Photos - Send us your photos of the church at work or at worship! If you attend a CRC church and like taking photos, we'd love to see photos of your church in action: worshiping, engaging with the neighbourhood, gardening...anything that brings church members together. We hope to share these photos on our Facebook page, on the homepage of the CRCNA website, on the Deacons' Offering Calendar, and in other ways that showcase some of the many faces of the CRC. (For that reason, please ensure that you have permission from the people in the photo to share it.) Send your photos to Communications@crcna.org


Our APRIL DEACONS’ CORNER IS is posted on our website…



This Sunday’s Collection is for our Buget and for: Shalom Manor and Gardens


UPCOMING OFFERING: June 12th A.M. – Benevolence: Your contribution to Mountainview’s Benevolent Fund provides assistance for those in need in our church family and in our local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of Benevolence.

Shalom’s Extend the Blessing Campaign: Shalom is looking to expand with a new location on Hamilton Mountain, adjacent to Wellingstone Christian Home. In order to be successful in providing a new home where our elders will receive dignity, purpose and respect for generations to come, as they receive at Shalom Grimsby, we need to raise $22 million. We are asking members of over 6 Reformed denominations to join us – will you prayerfully consider partnering with Shalom in this expansion into Hamilton? Envelopes, including materials on the project and how you can partner with Shalom to Extend the Blessing, are available at the Welcome Centre in the church foyer. Questions? Reach out to Theresa de Roos (fundraising@shalommanor.ca) 905.945.9631, X1126 or Anthony Holl (anthonyh@shalommanor.ca) X 1127.

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Mountainview CRC, Thank you for your church's recent gift to the ministry shares program. Your gift helps the CRC proclaim the gospel of Christ and strengthens more people to be disciples of Jesus. We praise God for your willingness to pool your resources with those of other congregations so that we can advance the Kingdom of God in more places and in more ways than a single congregation could do on its own. Everyday, people learn about Christ and salvation because of the shared ministry work of the Christian Reformed Church. I invite you to visit crcna.org/ministryshares to learn more about how your ministry share gifts are making a difference. Together, we are impacting the world for Christ. I pray you will be blessed by all of your giving. In Christ's Service,

Peter Elgersma, Director of Advancement & Congregational Ministries

Dear Friends at Mountainview Christian Reformed Church, Thank you for your recent gift to Redeemer University.  We are very grateful for the faithful support you continue to provide to Redeemer.  Thank you! The academic year at Redeemer University came to a close a few weeks ago after the final exams were written.  While we continued to have some restrictions during the second semester as a result of Covid-19, we are very grateful to have been able to continue to offer an on campus learning experience for our students. As we look ahead we are now beginning to make plans for the next academic year and also for Redeemer’s 40th anniversary celebrations this fall.  We do so recognizing what God has done, and continues to do through His faithful provision.  Please pray that we may be good stewards of the resources given to help equip young men and women for lives of service wherever God calls them.  May your work of ministry continue to be blessed in the places where God has called you to serve.  Sincerely,

Brian Verheul, Redeemer University Donor Relations Office


Cairn Christian School’s “Building the Way Campaign” update and “Spring 2 Compass” are new, along with the Niagara Gleaners Summer 2022 newsletter, June ICS Events and Convocation Newsletter (Pastor Fred VanderBerg will graduate posthumously here) and World Renew June Video update.
A new SoCo Beach Project update will be available each week over the summer.

Links are available on our website under “About Us”
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.


Faith Practice Reflection Tip - Reflection and Discussion Starter—the Practice of Wonder: Read Acts 2:1-21 and ponder or discuss the following questions. On this Pentecost Sunday, what do you wonder about the Acts 2 story? What surprises you or fills you with awe? How might you have reacted if you were part of the international crowd in Jerusalem and you heard the Gospel message for the first time in your own language? (For more on faith practices from Faith Formation Ministries, visit bit.ly/FaithPracticesProject)

Sharing Your Faith Relies on the Holy Spirit - The events of Pentecost are significant for our ability to share our faith still today. Join Groundwork as we study this story in Luke 24:45-49, John 15:26-27, Acts 1:4-5, Acts 2:1-41, and Acts 10:44-48 and discover the power the Holy Spirit provides us to follow Jesus command to share our faith and make disciples for him. Listen now at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Understanding Pentecost - Check out the new kids’ devotion at www.kidscorner.net. The Spirit came in a powerful way and filled the people. That’s because we serve a powerful God! The wind and fire are symbols for God’s presence. Listen now at kidscorner.net and check out all the new content.

Banner Delayed - Due to worldwide paper shortages, delivery of the June issue of The Banner will be delayed by up to two weeks. In the meantime, visit TheBanner.org for new features, columns, news, and more. All reporting leading up to and during Synod 2022 can be found at thebanner.org/synod

Get The Banner Straight to Your Inbox - The Banner, the magazine of the CRC, will send you news, features, and columns straight to your email inbox! Sign up for the weekly e-newsletter by visiting thebanner.org/signup. While you're there, you can sign up to receive The Banner print magazine straight to your door as well! TheBanner.org/signup

Christian Schools Great Wolf Getaway - Well, after a quiet couple of years, I am happy to share with you all, the booking codes and dates for the ever-popular Great Wolf Lodge offer for the end of October! The attached flyer has a direct booking link as well as all of the information needed, so sharing the digital poster is probably easiest for all!

Inspire 2022 - Gather with Reformed believers from across the continent August 4-6 at Tinley Park, near Chicago, for Inspire 2022. Worship, learn, find fellowship, and be refreshed! Learn more and register at https://www.crcna.org/inspire

21Five is your local Christian bookstore. We carry a wide variety of books in many areas: Christian Living, Ministry, Religion and Theology, Bible Studies and more. We also have a large variety of Bibles, Christian cards, gifts and more. As part of the community, we love to work closely with our local Christian schools and churches to provide opportunities to place special orders as well. Please reach out to us at books@redeemer.ca today. We would love to serve you.

Friday Campus Visits - Geared toward students interested in Redeemer's undergraduate programs, Friday Campus Visits are a great introduction to the university's one-of-a-kind community: redeemer.ca/friday-visits


Careers at World Renew: Communication and Information Assistant - World Renew has an exciting opportunity for you to join us in our work of Living Justice, Loving Mercy and Serving Christ. We are currently seeking a Communication and Information Assistant in Burlington, ON. See our website for more details about this career opportunity: worldrenew.ca/careers

Job Opening - Fundraising Coordinator - Diaconal Ministries Canada is currently searching for a Fundraising Coordinator. This role is part-time (18 hours/week) with a start date of on or around July 30th. The ideal candidate would live in close proximity to our office in Burlington, ON, or amongst a cluster a CRCs. For the full details, visit diaconalministries.com/our-team/careers-opportunities/ 

Board Members Needed - We are currently searching for a Board Member for Classis Niagara (starting immediately), as well as for Classis Hamilton and Classis Toronto for this coming fall. If you would like to receive more information on this role or if you would like to submit your interest, please contact Ron Vanden Brink, National Director, at rvandenbrink@crcna.org. He'd love to connect with you!

Cairn Christian School has immediate openings for reliable, consistent school bus drivers who love kids in the Beamsville, Grimsby, and/or Smithville areas, either permanent or for short-term or occasional assignments.  'B' Licence training provided if not already held. Please contact Kevin at 519-546-9159 or khuinink@cairnchristianschool.ca to inquire.

Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church in St. Catharines is looking for a Facilities Manager to provide general cleaning and upkeep to our facility (20 hrs/wk). Jubilee is a busy church community with a preschool tenant that provides its own daily cleaning. For more information, for a copy of the job description, or to submit your cover letter and resume, please contact Alice Klamer at alicecklamer@gmail.com

New Job Opportunity at Providence CRC in Beamsville! Custodian Position Available.  The Leadership Board invites interested applicants to submit a cover letter of introduction, along with their resume to office@providencecrc.ca. To learn more about the position, see www.providencecrc.ca, or contact the church office.

Summer Work - Document Digitization AssistantResonate is making efforts to go paperless and move digital documents to a Google-compatible platform. Work in an intercultural mission environment, participate in regular times of prayer and devotion focused on mission, and learn more about current mission practices within the CRCNA. A Canada Summer Jobs initiative, 35hrs/wk for 10-15 wks, June - August. Please apply at https://crcna.pinpointhq.com/en/jobs/47788

Shalom Manor Long Term Care Home & Gardens Assisted Living is hiring!
At the Manor, we have an urgent need for:

• Part time Dietary Aides, working a mix of days & afternoons and there is a steady day line available
• RPNs, both full & part-time lines available
• Accounting Manager, full-time, details on website HERE

Shalom Gardens has an urgent need for:
•  Health Care Aides sick leave coverage, including every other weekend, steady lines for:
•  Days (7AM-2PM)
•  Afternoons (4:30-9:30PM)
•  Casual, available to work either of these shifts & occasional coverage for night shifts

At this time proof of vaccination for Covid is required. Please email your resume to hr@shalommanor.ca indicating the position you are interested in.

Karin Terpstra