May 22, 2022 News


Join us at 10 am Sunday morning via live-stream or in-person, or at any time throughout the week. This Sunday Pastor Peter will present a message entitled “Complete in Christ”. He’ll be looking at the bible passage from Matthew 28 verses 16-20.

This week we look at the Great Commission but will focus more so on the people who Jesus gives this Great Commission to. The group that Jesus is speaking to is still reeling from his death along with many of their actions surrounding his death. They are broken and incomplete yet this is who Jesus chooses. We are also part of the group that Jesus has given this commission and so we look at how it is possible that we can even begin to carry out such a great task.


CELEBRATION, APPRECIATION AND GRATITUDE Next Sunday May 29th in our morning worship service will be a time of celebration for the ministry of Brandon Vermeer, Ministry Associate and Peter Kranenburg, Pastoral Intern. We give thanks for their service, for their gifts and the blessing they both have been to our congregation. May God bless them as they move on to other places of employment. There will be a basket on the welcome centre, where you can drop cards and tokens of appreciation for them. Please remember to mark names on the envelopes.


New Reads in the Library: This week’s highlight: “21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act” by Bob Joseph

Since its creation in 1876, the Indian Act has shaped, controlled, and constrained the lives and opportunities of Indigenous Peoples, and is at the root of many enduring stereotypes. Bin this book, Bob Joseph explains how Indigenous Peoples can step out from under the Indian Act and return to self-government, self-determination, and self-reliance - and why doing so would result in a better country for every Canadian would result in a better country for every Canadian.

After 70 years of God's faithfulness, Fruitland Christian Reformed Church is having a final farewell celebration on June 5th at 10:00 am at our church. Present members and past members, please join us for our special worship service of Praise & Thanksgiving.  We are so thankful for the rich legacy, Fruitland CRC has contributed to the larger faith community and for how Fruitland has been used to bring glory to His name. A luncheon will follow the service in the Cairn Christian School gym. (next to the church) Please RSVP by May 22 for both the worship service and the luncheon by contacting either Michele Van Bergeyk - 905-973-4101 or OR Henrietta Veldman - 905-664-2843 or

Memories of Fruitland CRC: Several people have expressed an interest in sharing a memory or thoughts of their experiences with Fruitland CRC.  After 70 years, I’m sure there are many. If you would like to share anything, please email Michele V. or Henrietta V. and we will post them in the gym at our luncheon on June 5th.  Only positive remarks, please.  (There will be some space available on June 5th, also.) 

Join us in Praying for Synod 2022 - Synodical delegates, church leaders, and CRCNA members across the continent are praying for Synod 2022. Please join us! Prayer gatherings are scheduled for April 27, May 11, and May 25. We will post prayer guides on the Network each time so that you can pray with us at a time that works for you as families, individuals, church councils, small groups, etc. Need some prayer points to pray through now? Find the March 30 prayer guide at

Join Together for 40 Days of Prayer Before Synod 2022 - As part of the CRCNA's year-long prayer initiative, Together Seeking God's Face, you are invited into a 40-day season of intentional, guided prayer leading up to Synod 2022. Sign up for daily Scripture and prayer prompts to be sent to your email for 40 days at


 Registration for Kids@Mountainview Summer Camp “Making Waves”
 has been going swimmingly :) and is filling up fast
Click on picture for details/infomation and to register.

Dear congregation: On behalf of ReFrame Ministries, We would like to invite you to participate in a virtual conversation with Rev. Sergei Sosedkin and ministry partner Lika Roman on Thursday, May 26, from 12-12:30pm (EDT). As you can imagine, the recent events in Ukraine have created disruptions for our Russian language partners, but that hasn’t deterred them from sharing the gospel. This virtual event will allow you to hear some of the challenges and opportunities to share the gospel during the ongoing crisis. 

Lika recently left Eastern Europe after fleeing her home in Kiev, Ukraine, last February and ministering to fellow refugees in Poland. Rev. Sosedkin has served as ReFrame's Russian language team leader for nearly two decades, and along with Lika, has been sharing the gospel with Russian speakers mainly in Ukraine and Russia. 

As a supporting partner, we wanted to provide you with a unique opportunity to connect with Rev. Sosedkin and Lika, hear updates from the ministry field, as well as ways to continue to support them during this challenging time. To reserve your spot, or if you’d like a recording of the event, please register here. We hope you will be able to join us next week. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email ( or phone 289-668-5612 or Annette ( in the office 1-800-263-4251. Grace & peace, Reframe Ministries

Choose Life YOUTH Night: Join us and Lia Mills (speaker in a viral prolife video and now human rights lawyer) at The Barn in Fenwick on Friday, June 3 at 5:00. Pizza supper, outdoor activities, and campfire will also be included! Cost is $5. Email or call (905) 684-7505 to book your spot. 

ATTENTION YOUTH GROUPS: Family Outreach Ontario is having an information evening on Friday June 3rd at 7:30 pm, to which all youth are invited. You may learn some interesting facts about drug and alcohol use and addiction. The speaker, John Kowtecky, will present on overview of substance use disorder that will include the nature of chemical addiction and what recovery looks like for both the individual who is afflicted as well as their loved ones who are otherwise affected. More importantly, there will be an opportunity to ask all those questions about these issues that you’ve always wanted to but never had a forum in which to do it.  John has struggled with alcoholism himself, knows what it’s like to be an addict as well as what’s required to get better having enjoyed over 20 years of sobriety. Also at this event, Mr. H. will tell of his addiction to drugs and his recovery from addiction. So come on out to Blessings Christian Church (115 Stanley Ave. Hamilton). A collection will be taken to cover costs.

SHALOM MANOR AND GARDENS ANNUAL MAY SALE!!!  May 28 from 10 am to 2 pm.

We will be holding the Shalom Manor & Gardens Plant & Bake Sale on our front patio, rain or shine. We will have extended parking available at Mountainview CRC, located at 290 Main St E in Grimsby, with a shuttle bus going back and forth throughout the day.  If you would like to donate baked goods or plants, please contact Kristen at, or 905-945-9631 ext. 1115. If possible, we would greatly appreciate the baked goods being packaged individually, and if there are any common allergens used, please label (ie. Peanuts). All donations can be dropped off Thursday May 26th or Friday May 27th. All proceeds go to our residents. Thank you so much for your support!

Come celebrate with us: Sharing the Story - Growing the Vision; June 3, 2022, 7:30 pm - Niagara International Students is hosting their first Dessert Social to celebrate what has God done through this ministry with International Students. Come hear the stories and catch the vision of this ministry supported by Classis Niagara. June 3, 7:30 pm at St. John's Anglican church, 12 Carleton St. S in Thorold. To register visit: For more information about Niagara International Students visit:

Send Us Your Church Life Photos - Send us your photos of the church at work or at worship! If you attend a CRC church and like taking photos, we'd love to see photos of your church in action: worshiping, engaging with the neighbourhood, gardening...anything that brings church members together. We hope to share these photos on our Facebook page, on the homepage of the CRCNA website, on the Deacons' Offering Calendar, and in other ways that showcase some of the many faces of the CRC. (For that reason, please ensure that you have permission from the people in the photo to share it.) Send your photos to


Our APRIL DEACONS’ CORNER IS is posted on our website…



Please note Will Klein’s new address for mailing your cheques (previously listed in directory updates): 4542 Green Meadow Blvd., Beamsville L3J 0B2

This Sunday’s Collection is for our Buget and for: Resonate Global Mission


UPCOMING OFFERING:  May 29th A.M. – World Renew envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ's compassion and live together in hope as God's community. Compelled by God’s deep passion for justice & mercy, we join communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation. World Renew's worldwide ministry is three-fold: Community Development, Disaster Response & Rehabilitation, and Peace & Justice.

Shalom’s Extend the Blessing Campaign: You may be asking yourself, “Why choose to expand into Hamilton?” Presently, approximately 40% of current Shalom residents are from the Greater Hamilton area. Hamilton has been identified as one of the top 15 metropolitan areas in Canada with a population of those 65 years or older at 17.9% and it is estimated that this percentage will continue to increase in the coming years. Will you prayerfully consider partnering with Shalom in this expansion into Hamilton? Envelopes, including materials on the project and how you can partner with Shalom to Extend the Blessing, are available at the Welcome Centre in the church foyer. Questions? Reach out to Theresa de Roos ( 905.945.9631, X1126 or Anthony Holl ( X 1127.

Dear friends at Mountainview, Thank you so much for your gift to Christian Horizons. We really appreciate your support. At Christian Horizons, our vision is that people who experience disabilites belong to communities where their God given gifts are valued and respected. We can’t do this alone. Thank you for joining us in this incredible work. Your donation has made a difference in the lives of people who choose Christian Horizon’s services. Your gift is a heartfelt expression of generousity and is greatly apppreciated. Ashleigh Gee, Developmental Strategies Manager

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, We are very grateful for your continued support to the Grimsby Life Centre. Your contributions help us to continue our work to provide Christian counseling to our community and to offer God’s hope to those feeling periods of despair or crisis. We are blessed and encouraged by your faithful support, both in finances and in prayers for this ministry. God bless you! Sincerely, The Team at GLC.


The First update from the SoCo Team, Brock Chaplaincy newsletter, a Disability Concerns update, the Smithville Christian High May Echoes, a Spring Eastern Canada Resonate Global Mission update, Resonate’s Mission Monthly for April, and May 2022 CSS Partner Post are all new this week.

Links are available on our website under “About Us”
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.


Faith Practice Reflection Tip - Reflection and Discussion Starter—the Practice of Prayer: Read Mark 9:14-24 and ponder or discuss the following questions. This father’s utterance, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” is an honest prayer. He’s not trying to impress Jesus; he’s asking Jesus to meet him where he is. In what areas of your faith do you experience doubt? How is doubt handled in your church family? Is there room for people to experience both belief and unbelief as they grow in faith?  (For more on faith practices from Faith Formation Ministries visit

Survey on Faith Formation in the Home - Faith Formation Ministries is partnering with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) on a study about how faith is being formed in homes across Canada. Their research will help our denominational ministries better serve families and churches to meet the discipleship needs and opportunities of children and youth. The survey is open through June 7, 2022. If you are a parent with children under 18 living at home, please consider participating in the EFC's parent survey:

Groundwork: Sharing Your Faith Makes Disciples - Participating in evangelism can be an intimidating, but Jesus commands us to share our faith. Join Groundwork as we demystify ideas of evangelism by studying the stories of Jesus ascension to heaven in Luke 24:46-53, Acts 1:6-11, and Matthew 28:16-20 to discover what Jesus' command is, what it means, and what it looks like in our lives today. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Ascension Day: Jesus Now in Heaven - Check out the new kids’ devotion at In Acts 1, we read about the last moments of Jesus’ time on earth. He told his disciples what he wanted them to do next, and then he left. Why did Jesus have to leave? What could be good about Jesus going?  Listen now at and check out all the new content.

Banner Delayed - Due to worldwide paper shortages, delivery of the June issue of The Banner will be delayed by up to two weeks. In the meantime, visit for new features, columns, news, and more. All reporting leading up to and during Synod 2022 can be found at

Family Outreach Ontario invites you to a special event on Thursday, June 2, at Blessings Christian Church. Our very own Executive Director, John Kowtecky, will present an overview of substance use disorder, including what recovery looks like, for both afflicted individuals as well as their loved ones. John has struggled with alcoholism himself and has now enjoyed over 20 years of sobriety. Following his talk, there will be a Q & A to ask all the questions you’ve never been able to related to addiction.  Another guest, Mr. H., will then also share about his drug addiction and recovery. Please plan to attend and tell others about it.  It will be an evening you will be sure to remember. A collection will be taken to cover our costs. 7 (Doors open) – 9pm.

21Five is your local Christian bookstore. We carry a wide variety of books in many areas: Christian Living, Ministry, Religion and Theology, Bible Studies and more. We also have a large variety of Bibles, Christian cards, gifts and more. As part of the community, we love to work closely with our local Christian schools and churches to provide opportunities to place special orders as well. Please reach out to us at today. We would love to serve you.

Friday Campus Visits - Geared toward students interested in Redeemer's undergraduate programs, Friday Campus Visits are a great introduction to the university's one-of-a-kind community:

Hope for Ukraine - Benefit Concert by Libertas Male Choir - Join us at at Redeemer University on THURSDAY MAY 26, 2022, 7:30PM. A portion of ticket sales and a freewill offering at the concert will benefit the charitable organization, Friends of the Mennonite Centre in Ukraine. ( We welcome back our director, Martin Mans and guest musician, Hugo van der Meij, both from The Netherlands, as well as Andre Knevel, organist. Online tickets will soon be available at


Job Opening - Fundraising Coordinator - Diaconal Ministries Canada is excited to see our staff grow! We are currently searching for a Fundraising Coordinator who will be responsible for new revenue generation through the development, maintenance, and management of all aspects of our fundraising efforts. This will also include some work on the annual NewGround Campaign. This role is part-time (18 hours/week) with a start date of on or around July 30th. The ideal candidate would live in close proximity to our office in Burlington, ON, or amongst a cluster a Christian Reformed churches. For the full job description and the application deadline, visit

Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church in St. Catharines is looking for a Facilities Manager to provide general cleaning and upkeep to our facility (20 hrs/wk). Jubilee is a busy church community with a preschool tenant that provides its own daily cleaning. For more information, for a copy of the job description, or to submit your cover letter and resume, please contact Alice Klamer at

Resonate Global Mission - Member Care Coordinator - Resonate is hiring a Member Care Coordinator to coordinate member care services that contribute to the emotional, spiritual, psychological, and relational health of Resonate missionaries and their family members and volunteers with the goal of helping them to be resilient mission workers and families who can thrive where God has called them to serve. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more or applying to this role visit:

Cairn Christian School has immediate openings for reliable, consistent school bus drivers who love kids in the Beamsville, Grimsby, and/or Smithville areas, either permanent or for short-term or occasional assignments.  'B' Licence training provided if not already held. Please contact Kevin at 519-546-9159 or to inquire.

New Job Opportunity at Providence CRC in Beamsville! Custodian Position Available.  The Leadership Board invites interested applicants to submit a cover letter of introduction, along with their resume to To learn more about the position, see, or contact the church office.

Shalom Manor Long Term Care Home & Gardens Assisted Living is hiring!
At the Manor, we have an urgent need for:

• Part time Dietary Aides, working a mix of days & afternoons and there is a steady day line available
• RPNs, both full & part-time lines available
• Accounting Manager, full-time, details on website HERE

Shalom Gardens has an urgent need for:
•  Health Care Aides sick leave coverage, including every other weekend, steady lines for:
•  Days (7AM-2PM)
•  Afternoons (4:30-9:30PM)
•  Casual, available to work either of these shifts & occasional coverage for night shifts

At this time proof of vaccination for Covid is required. Please email your resume to indicating the position you are interested in.

Shalom Manor & Gardens – Hairdresser Needed!  We are looking for a self-employed, independent, contract hairstylist to run our Hair Salon.  This position would be two morning per week.  Please e-mail your interest to

Karin Terpstra