January 30th, 2022 News


This Sunday Pastor Peter continues with the second installment of a three-part mini-series within the ‘Beautiful Messy Relationships’ series. This message entitled “A Matter of the Heart” will be looking at the book of Matthew chapter 5. As we continue with verses 27-30 we’ll take a look at what Jesus has to say about adultery, lust, and pornography as he explains what God's intention always has been with the law. We will examine some of the ways that these issues harm relationships and are not just about outward actions but about what's going on in the heart. We’ll also have the privilege of celebrating the Lord’s Supper in this service.


CHRIST CANDLE Picture or Video:  As you will notice in worship we are going to intentionally light the Christ candle each week as part of the Sunday service. I encourage you to light a candle at home too, to unite us "in Christ" even as we are still apart. You could use these words, as I often will do in worship as well: "We light this candle to remember that Jesus is with us." I would love to see a picture of your "Christ candle"!  Or even better, send me a short little video of you lighting your candle at home, with (or without) the phrase above.   I will include them in worship.  Thanks so much for your continued  participation, Ruth Ann


COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS OPPORTUNITIES… The Ice Rink is up and running. We have had some snow challenges, but overall some beautiful skating weather! Sign-up now to help out and connect with our neighbours. Go to www.mountainviewcrc.org or contact Pastor Erick for more details...

Register to skate HERE!

The Coldest Night of the Year is a super-fun, family-friendly fundraising walk that supports local charity partners who provide essential care and service for people experiencing homelessness, hurt, and hunger. You’re Invited to walk on the Coldest Night of the Year! Come join the “Mountainview Rovers” Team!! Or sponsor us at https://cnoy.org/home

PRAYER WALK: Saturday February 5th. at 8:30am.-9:30pm. Anyone is welcome! This time we will be meeting at the Giant Tiger Parking lot in Grimsby. Masks are not required but you are welcome to wear them if you are so inclined. Please contact Jane deVisser in you're interested in joining us or if you have any questions: pjdevisser@sypatico.ca or 905-563-7671

2022 Church Directories are here! They will be out in the foyer for pick up at the service. Anyone is also welcome to come through the week to pick them up. (They will be delivered to anyone who gets weekly bulletins as well as to Evergreen, DeerPark and Shalom). As per usual, it is outdated as soon as it is in print 😊. Some of those edits will be shared in “Church Family”. Please know, the Bridge App is always the most up to date. You can even update your own information on the App as it changes (emails, phone numbers, addresses and photos too!).  Please do!



THIS WEEK : Cadets

UPCOMING OFFERING: Feb. 6th A.M. – Congregational Ministries As a denomination, we are committed to meeting the needs of people doing local ministry; listening better and hearing more from our churches; and following the leading of God in the work we do together. The congregational services ministries seek to partner with your church and help you partner with your community and other churches as you respond to God's call to go out and love. Each of our ministries addresses an important part of the ministry areas the CRC has identified as our collective calling: Faith Formation, Gospel Proclamation and Worship, Mercy and Justice, and Servant Leadership.
Race Relations is mandated by Synod “to design, organize, and implement programs that will assist the denomination, churches, and members in eliminating the causes and effects of racism within the body of believers and throughout the world”. Because there is a need for leaders and their congregations to have more effective ministry in the diverse communities they serve, there is also a need to have assistance in becoming culturally intelligent. The Office of Race Relations offers the resources and tools to develop this capacity.

Church Envelopes have been placed in your mail slots at church. In order to cut costs, I would appreciate it if you would let me know if you do not need them because your givings are with the Bridge App or using e-transfer. For those of you who are using the Bridge App "recurring Donations" or PAR, I have not issued the Blue budget envelopes. I have issued the white ones to most of you. The envelopes for 2023 need to be ordered by January or February so I would like to minimize the number that we order. If you have envelopes and won't be using them, please return them to me or leave in the office for me. (email:treasurer@mountainviewcrc.org). Thank you. Will Klein, Financial Administrator

Dear Friends at Mountainview Christian Reformed Church, Thank you for your recent donation to Redeemer University. We are very grateful for your faithful support. Our winter term began on January 10, 2022 and despite this continuing time of pandemic we are grateful to be able to continue to offer an on campus experience for our students.  Please do continue to pray for the health and safety of students, faculty and staff during this time. In closing, as this New Year begins may you also continue to be blessed with good health and opportunities to minister to the community that you serve. Sincerely,
Brian Verheul; Redeemer University, Donor Relations Office

Dear friends at Mountainview CRC, Thank you for your generosity! Your support makes a big difference. We’ve come through a difficult year—but with your support, we’ve accomplished a lot together. You, your church, and your Resonate ministry leaders are responding to Jesus’ call to mission in Acts 1:8. Thank you for partnering with us on this mission! “Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” might seem like a tall order, but your partnership helps encourage and equip Christians around the world to live and share the gospel! Ministry leaders depend on you—you walk alongside them, pray for them, and support them through your giving. As we begin 2022, we remember that we are working toward the day when every tongue will confess Jesus Christ as Lord! Around the world, your missionaries and church planters are encountering people who are searching for meaning and goodness during difficult times. Through your support for Resonate, you help introduce them to the true source of meaning and goodness! May God bless your church in this new year. Thank you for all that you do! In Christ, Kevin DeRaaf, Acting Canada Director


Links are available on our website under “About Us”
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.


Race Relations Sunday is Next Week (Feb. 6) - Celebrate with congregations across the CRCNA the multicultural church of Christ on Race Relations Sunday, which is observed next week on February 6. Seek out resources and active ways to address racism in our community and commit to join in and support the work of anti-racism by searching the website: crcna.org/Race

At-home Faith Practice Reflection Tip - Reflection and Discussion Starter—the Practice of Engaging Scripture: Read James 1:22-25 and ponder or discuss the following questions. How might “merely listening to the word” cause us to deceive ourselves? The command to “do what it says” is pretty plain. But what if we disagree about what God’s Word says or how to apply it? How do we find clarity? (For more on faith practices from Faith Formation Ministries visit bit.ly/FaithPracticesProject)

Please Pray - On Saturday, January 29, 2022, delegates, the Canada CRCNA staff, and Canada Corp members will gather online to converse together about how we can grow deeper into God’s mission in our Canadian context. The primary hope is that we might emerge from this Canadian Catalytic Conversation with some clarity on what structure might help CRCNA ministry in Canada flourish. In the readings and conversations, those gathered will hear about some of the related opportunities and challenges. Each Classis has been invited to designate 4 delegates to participate in this Canada-wide event. Please pray for our denominational staff, board members, organizing team, classes, and churches as together we seek God's guidance for the CRCNA within its Canadian context.

Groundwork: Living God's Way in Our Relationships - Whether relationships are personal or professional, easy or hard, the Apostle Paul has guidance grounded in faith for all types of relationships. Join Groundwork as we study Ephesians 5:21-6:9 to better understand how to live God’s way in your relationships. Listen now at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Join Us For Dinner - Check out the new kids’ devotion at https://kidscorner.net/. Matthew 7:12 says, “Treat others as you want them to treat you.” Let’s talk about how to make space for others by making the circle bigger and about reaching out to a neighbor or stranger in our midst. Listen now at kidscorner.net and check out all the new content.

Family Fire - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.

All are welcome to join the Calvin Symposium on Worship - January 31 – February 4, 2022 Join this livestream conference, with several in-person sessions, sponsored by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching, located at Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Learn more at worship.calvin.edu/symposium/


Transitional Executive Director Search - The Christian Reformed Church in North America is searching for a Transitional Executive Director for Canada. The Transitional Executive Director should be pastoral, and demonstrate a strong, vibrant Christian faith marked by spiritual humility and moral integrity. They will be a skilled diplomat, with previous board governance experience, and a firm and confident leader with a passion to build meaningful relationships with Canadian and binational staff, pastors, classes, and congregations. This is a two year appointment, with the possibility of extending it into a third year. Learn more at crcna.org/ExecutiveSearch.

We Are Hiring at Shalom!  Working at Shalom is a great opportunity to share your gifts and talents in a wonderful workplace and to become involved in the Shalom community!  We take pride in offering the best possible care and making Shalom home to our residents.  Below are ways you can become part of this excellent team:

1. Life Enrichment Assistant – part time, permanent:  11:30AM-6:30PM Week 1: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Week Mon, Tues, Sat, Sun (2 week rotation)
2. Infection Control Attendant- part time, temporary: 4:30-11PM Week 1: Tues, Wed, Fri Week 2: Tues, Wed, Sat, Sun (2 week rotation)
3. Associate Director of Resident Care (RN) – full time, permanent: 7AM-7PM Week 1:  Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat, Sun Week 2: Wed, Thurs (2 week rotation)
4. RPNs Manor – full-time, part-time and casual positions available that include mixed lines and a night line. 
5. PSWs Manor –part-time lines and casual positions available.  There is a minimum of 18.75 hours per week with an opportunity for full-time work.  Benefits available with part time positions.

For more information about these positions or to submit your resume, please contact Lauren at hr@shalommanor.ca.

Karin Terpstra