February 6th, 2022 News


We are delighted to report that Ministries HAVE RE-STARTED, and indoor meeting spaces are OPEN!! Our worship space capacity remains the same at 30% with adequate physical distancing and mask wearing requirements. The decision to watch online or attend in person is up to you. Registration to attend in person is required.

This Sunday Pastor Erick continues with the third installment of a mini-series within the ‘Beautiful Messy Relationships’ series. This message entitled “Dealing with Divorce” will be looking at a few passages from the book of Matthew ; 19:1-12 and 5: 31-32 

The third part of Jesus' work on "fulfilling the law" that we look at is on the topic of divorce. Some of what is said is simple to understand. Living it out in community, however, is not always easy and requires us to lean into wisdom.

CHRIST CANDLE Picture or Video:  As you will notice in worship we are going to intentionally light the Christ candle each week as part of the Sunday service. I encourage you to light a candle at home too, to unite us "in Christ" even as we are still apart. You could use these words, as I often will do in worship as well: "We light this candle to remember that Jesus is with us." I would love to see a picture of your "Christ candle"!  Or even better, send me a short little video of you lighting your candle at home, with (or without) the phrase above.   I will include them in worship.  Thanks so much for your continued  participation, Ruth Ann


COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS OPPORTUNITIES… The Ice Rink is up and running. We have had some snow challenges, but overall some beautiful skating weather! You are always welcome to help out or too come and skate. Come connect with our neighbours. Go to www.mountainviewcrc.org or contact Pastor Erick for more details...

Register to skate HERE!

The Coldest Night of the Year is a super-fun, family-friendly fundraising walk that supports local charity partners who provide essential care and service for people experiencing homelessness, hurt, and hunger. You’re Invited to walk on the Coldest Night of the Year! Come join the “Mountainview Rovers” Team!! Or sponsor us at https://cnoy.org/home

PRAYER WALK: Saturday February 5th. at 8:30am.-9:30pm. Anyone is welcome! This time we will be meeting at the Giant Tiger Parking lot in Grimsby. Masks are not required but you are welcome to wear them if you are so inclined. Please contact Jane deVisser in you're interested in joining us or if you have any questions: pjdevisser@sypatico.ca or 905-563-7671



THIS WEEK : Congregational Service Ministries - Race Relations


UPCOMING OFFERING: Feb. 13th A.M. – Benevolence: Your contribution to Mountainview’s Benevolent Fund provides assistance for those in need in our church family and in our local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of Benevolence.


Links are available on our website under “About Us”
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.


Race Relations Sunday - Churches throughout the CRCNA are observing Race Relations Sunday today. You can support the denomination’s antiracism work by giving to the Office of Race Relations. It creates and provides effective and collaborative training programs and organizes actions with congregation, classis, synod, and agency leaders to increase their commitment and competence in dismantling racism and working for biblical reconciliation. Please give at: crcna.org/Race/Donate

At-home Faith Practice Reflection Tip - Reflection and Discussion Starter—the Practice of Justice and Mercy: Read Micah 6:8 and ponder or discuss the following questions. Do you typically think of doing justice as a “requirement” of the Christian life? What does that mean to you? What might it mean to “act justly and love mercy” in your various spheres of influence (home, work, school, church, community…)? (For more on faith practices from Faith Formation Ministries visit bit.ly/FaithPracticesProject)

Get The Banner Straight to Your Inbox - The Banner, the magazine of the CRC, will send you news, features, and columns straight to your email inbox! Sign up for the weekly e-newsletter by visiting thebanner.org/signup. While you're there, you can sign up to receive The Banner print magazine straight to your door as well! TheBanner.org/signup

Groundwork: Spiritual Attacks and the Armor of God - In Ephesians, Paul is clear that the devil will try to attack our faith, but we are equipped with the armor of God. Join Groundwork as we study Ephesians 6:10-24 to better understand Paul’s purpose and use of this armor imagery. Together we’ll see how this armor and prayer continue to be our best defense against the devil’s attacks in our lives of faith still today. Listen now at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

God Made Us Different…On Purpose! - Check out the new kids’ devotion at at https://kidscorner.net/. The Bible says that each of us—differences and all—is created in the image of God. God wants us to love one another and talk about how we can grow together with all our differences. Listen now at kidscorner.net and check out all the new content.

Inspire 2022: Early Bird Rate - Join believers from across the continent August 4-6 in the Chicago area for a time of encouragement, renewal, and fellowship. Registration is now open! Register now for early-bird pricing of only $95 USD/CDN ($110 after March 31) plus flexibility if your plans change. This year’s theme, Inspired to Be One, focuses on celebrating our diversity in the CRCNA as a denomination, as well as the need for us to come together as one church. Inspire will connect people across generations, cultures, and missions, reorienting us in the hope of God’s kingdom. Find information and registration at crcna.org/inspire

Explore how to “Put the Pieces Together” for a discovery Bible study! Marian Lensink and Sam Huizenga are hosting a two-part Coffee Break training called "Putting the Pieces Together." The zoom workshop is about how to best use the Discover Your Bible study and leaders guide --and more. It is a great place to start or a good refresher for experienced leaders. Any group would enjoy it! Zoom Thursday, February 10 & 17 from 1 - 3 pm EST. Register at GlobalCoffeeBreak.org/events


Transitional Executive Director Search - The Christian Reformed Church in North America is searching for a Transitional Executive Director for Canada. The Transitional Executive Director should be pastoral, and demonstrate a strong, vibrant Christian faith marked by spiritual humility and moral integrity. They will be a skilled diplomat, with previous board governance experience, and a firm and confident leader with a passion to build meaningful relationships with Canadian and binational staff, pastors, classes, and congregations. This is a two year appointment, with the possibility of extending it into a third year. Learn more at crcna.org/ExecutiveSearch.

We Are Hiring at Shalom!  Working at Shalom is a great opportunity to share your gifts and talents in a wonderful workplace and to become involved in the Shalom community!  We take pride in offering the best possible care and making Shalom home to our residents.  Below are ways you can become part of this excellent team:

1. Therapeutic Programmers – casual positions available
2. RPNs Manor – full-time, part-time and casual positions are available and include mixed day and evening lines and a night line. 
3. PSWs Manor – full time, part-time lines and casual positions available.  Lots of opportunity to work!
4. Nursing Students can work as PSWs following your first year of nursing studies!  Consider spending your summer as a PSW at Shalom Manor!

For more information about these positions or to submit your resume, please contact Lauren at hr@shalommanor.ca.

Karin Terpstra