Offering Schedule for April 2021
April 2nd A.M. – Good Friday - Grimsby Life Centre is a ministry that is committed to providing help for the physical, social, and mental well-being of those in crisis. This loving care is demonstrated through on-going counseling, support and care. All services are free and confidential, and we depend solely on donations from individuals, churches, businesses, and fund-raising events. Thank-you for your support and prayers.
April 4th A.M. – Easter Sunday - Cairn Christian School: Our Cairn Christian School sites in Smithville and Stoney Creek work to inspire students to love, learn, and lead together in God's world. This offering provides vital support in achieving this mission, enabling students and families the opportunity to access an amazing Christian Education, and communicates our love for their students.
April 11th A.M. – World Renew envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ's compassion and live together in hope as God's community. Compelled by God’s deep passion for justice & mercy, we join communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation. World Renew's worldwide ministry is three-fold: Community Development, Disaster Response & Rehabilitation, and Peace & Justice.
April 18th A.M. – Friendship (Local): We believe that faith is a gift from God for all people. Our program model encourages the development of one-on-one, personal, and meaningful relationships: true friendships. We long for the day when people of all abilities are fully accepted—and expected—in the Body of Christ. Our Local Friendship Group consists of about 15 young people and adults from our church and surrounding community with developmental challenges that meet biweekly over Zoom to grow in friendship and faith together.
April 25th A.M. – GEMS: At GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour) Clubs, we know it’s not easy being a girl today. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping all girls know they’re LOVED by Jesus and by a community of women dedicated to mentoring them. We believe when a girl understands she is LOVED and experiences that love week after week in the community of a GEMS Club, her life is forever changed. And she will then go change her community for Christ. Our GEMS rely on the offering to pay their organization dues and since they aren't collecting from the actual girls this year through registration fees, this offering is important.