Offering Schedule for July 2018
July 1st A.M. – World Renew envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ's compassion and live together in hope as God's community. Compelled by God’s deep passion for justice & mercy, we join communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation. World Renew's worldwide ministry is three-fold: Community Development, Disaster Response & Rehabilitation, and Peace & Justice.
P.M. – No Service – Canada Day long weekend
July 8th A.M. – Benevolence: Your contribution to the Benevolent Fund provides assistance for the needs of our church family and the local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. As our church grows the needs within increase and become more varied. Please continue to support our ministry of benevolence.
P.M. – Christian Horizons is a trans-denominational, evangelical ministry that provides support to individuals who have developmental disabilities. With over 157 residences, respite care homes and retreat facilities, they are Ontario’s largest provider of opportunities that create a fulfilling and purposeful place in society for exceptional people.
July 15th A.M. – Smithville Christian High: is providing an authentically Christian education to teens from all over central Niagara. Smithville Christian High graduates are serving God and bringing shalom all over the world. Your gift will be used to keep tuition in check so that many families can have access to the exciting programs that enable our students to thrive. Thank-you for your part in keeping Christian education affordable at all levels.
P.M. - Canadian Bible Society: The Canadian Bible Society is a member of the United Bibles Societies, a fellowship of 145 national Bible societies around the world. The societies work in partnership with churches and other Bible agencies to facilitate and support translation and Scripture distribution work around the globe. Statement of Purpose: As a national religious charitable organization, the purposes of the Canadian Bible Society are to translate; without doctrinal note; publish, and distribute the Christian Scriptures, and to promote and encourage the use of the Bible, throughout Canada and worldwide in cooperation with members of the United Bible Societies and other organizations.
July 22nd A.M. – Colin & Kathleen Wassenaar; Engineering Ministries International (EMI): EMI is a nonprofit Christian development organization made up of architects, engineers, surveyors, and construction managers, who use their skills to serve the least reached worldwide. We design hospitals, schools, water systems, and many other facilities that enable our Christian ministry partners to fulfill their calling and transform their communities. Together, we are designing a world of hope. Stay in Touch with the Wassenaars in Phnom Penh, Cambodia! Contact to receive email newsletters directly, or visit their blog for more details.
P.M. – Family Outreach (Christian Community Alcohol and Drug Abuse Help Group) - All across Ontario Family Outreach is building response teams consisting of volunteers who are sensitive to the dynamics of alcoholism. When asked to respond, they offer assistance to all family members who are directly involved in substance abuse; in doing so, they direct spouses, siblings and parents to professional help, counseling and advice. Local volunteers are ready to assist anyone who needs initial help, information or just someone to talk to. In keeping with the A.A. code, all contact is confidential. Please give generously to the cause of Family Outreach.
July 29th A.M. – Indwell (formerly Homestead): About Us - Our Vision - Hope and Homes for All. Our Mission - Indwell is a Christian charity that creates affordable housing communities that support people seeking health, wellness and belonging. Our Values - We value the inherent dignity of all people as image bearers of God. We live out our Christian calling to love our neighbor as ourselves. Hope is the foundation of all our actions. For more information go to
P.M. – Beginnings is a crisis pregnancy counseling agency. They serve individuals for whom the birth of a child looms as a crisis, regardless of race, religion, or financial resources. Beginning is also a full-service adoption agency licensed to process adoptions. Their trained counselors can help you sort out your situation and options. They provide warm, caring, and personal attention.