Offering Schedule for September 2018
September 2nd A.M. – Calvin Seminary provides theological training for ordained and un-ordained ministry positions for Christian Reformed Churches in North America as well as leaders for Christ’s church around the world. They also evaluate candidates for ministry, offer continuing education for pastors, and seminars for office bearers. Calvin Theological Seminary advises synod and is a theological resource for all denominational agencies and churches.
P.M. – No Service – Labour Day Weekend
September 9th A.M. – Benevolence: Your contribution to the Benevolent Fund provides assistance for the needs of our church family and the local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of benevolence.
P.M. – Back to God Ministries International is the media ministry of the CRCNA. It proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ through indigenous teams in people’s “heart languages” using the web, radio, television, phone, print, and other media. It opens doors for salvation and discipleship, broadcasting the gospel in otherwise closed regions. BTGMI aired its first radio program in 1939. Today, we are reaching people in almost 200 countries and 10 major languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
September 16th A.M. – Resonate Global Mission (formerly Home Missions CRHM and World Missions CRWM) is continuing their partnership with churches in the United States and Canada to plant churches, do campus ministry, train and equip pastors, and develop future leaders. They will also continue to send missionaries overseas, proclaiming the Gospel, and forging lasting partnerships. In addition to this ongoing work, they are tackling new opportunities for ministry. Here in North America, we need experience in international ministry to help churches effectively reach across cultural barriers and forge partnerships within new communities of faith. In other nations, we need expertise in church planting and campus ministry to help people in every nation discover God’s plan for their church, community, and life. With your prayers and financial support, as a single agency we will be able to equip all our churches for ministry and join together with what God is already doing around the world.
P.M. – No Service – Small Group ReGroup (Cluster Groups)
September 23rd A.M. – CSM - Safe Church Ministry: Church Support Minstries (CSM) combines the ministries that were previously separate agencies of the CRC: Aboriginal Ministry, Centre for Public Dialogue, Chaplaincy and Care Ministry, Disability Concerns, Faith Formation, Office of Social Justice, Pastor-Church Relations, Race Relations, Safe Church, ServiceLink, Sustaining Congregational Excellence, and Worship Ministries. Your gifts will help support many programs of the CRC.
Safe Church Ministry equips congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response. We help build communities where the value of each person is honored; where people are free to worship and grow free from abuse; and where abuse has occurred, the response is compassion and justice that fosters healing.
P.M. – Redeemer University College is a Christian undergraduate university offering programs leading to Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education degrees. From its Hamilton, Ontario campus, Redeemer has prepared graduating classes — the next generation of Christian leaders — for more than 30 years. Redeemer students are being shaped by the Reformed Christian commitment to see faith woven through all aspects of learning and life. Across the world, from the classroom to the convocation stage to careers and churches, our faculty, students and alumni are making an impact.
September 30th A.M. – CSM - Race Relations is mandated by Synod “to design, organize, and implement programs that will assist the denomination, churches, and members in eliminating the causes and effects of racism within the body of believers and throughout the world”. Because there is a need for leaders and their congregations to have more effective ministry in the diverse communities they serve, there is also a need to have assistance in becoming culturally intelligent. The Office of Race Relations offers the resources and tools to develop this capacity. (See Sept. 23 for CSM description).
P.M. – No Service – Alpha Series 1 (Cluster Groups)