Offering Schedule for October 2018
October 7th A.M. – Benevolence: Your contribution to the Benevolent Fund provides assistance for the needs of our church family and the local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of benevolence.
P.M. – No Service – Thanksgiving Weekend
October 8th A.M. – Thanksgiving – World Renew: envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ's compassion and live together in hope as God's community. Compelled by God’s deep passion for justice & mercy, we join communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation. World Renew's worldwide ministry is three-fold: Community Development, Disaster Response & Rehabilitation, and Peace & Justice.
October 14th A.M. – Synodical Administrative Services (Denominational Services): Provides funds for synodical expenses and offices, the Board of Trustees, and general administration. It also serves the greater CRCNA church by initiating, designing, organizing, and implementing various programs.
P.M. – No Service – Cluster Groups (Alpha series 2)
October 21st A.M. – CSM – Disability Concerns: Church Support Minstries (CSM) combines the ministries that were previously separate agencies of the CRC: Aboriginal Ministry, Centre for Public Dialogue, Chaplaincy and Care Ministry, Disability Concerns, Faith Formation, Office of Social Justice, Pastor-Church Relations, Race Relations, Safe Church, ServiceLink, Sustaining Congregational Excellence, and Worship Ministries. Your gifts will help support many programs of the CRC.
Everybody Belongs. Everybody Serves. Disability Concerns helps churches become healthier communities that intentionally seek:
• To end the isolation and disconnectedness of persons with disabilities and their families.
• To nurture the spiritual lives of people with disabilities so that they become professing and active members of their churches.
• To encourage the gifts of people with disabilities so that they can serve God fully in their churches.
P.M. – Back to God Ministries International is the media ministry of the CRCNA. It proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ through indigenous teams in people’s “heart languages” using the web, radio, television, phone, print, and other media. It opens doors for salvation and discipleship, broadcasting the gospel in otherwise closed regions. BTGMI aired its first radio program in 1939. Today, we are reaching people in almost 200 countries and 10 major languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
October 28th A.M. – Resonate Global Mission (formerly Home Missions CRHM and World Missions CRWM) is continuing their partnership with churches in the United States and Canada to plant churches, do campus ministry, train and equip pastors, and develop future leaders. They will also continue to send missionaries overseas, proclaiming the Gospel, and forging lasting partnerships. In addition to this ongoing work, they are tackling new opportunities for ministry. Here in North America, we need experience in international ministry to help churches effectively reach across cultural barriers and forge partnerships within new communities of faith. In other nations, we need expertise in church planting and campus ministry to help people in every nation discover God’s plan for their church, community, and life. With your prayers and financial support, as a single agency we will be able to equip all our churches for ministry and join together with what God is already doing around the world.
P.M. – No Service – Cluster Groups (Alpha Series 3)