Offering Schedule for July 2020

July 5th – Bible League Canada provides Scriptures and training worldwide, so people will be brought into relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church… because the world needs the Living Word of God more than anything else!  Change, real change, happens from the inside out.  When people come into a relationship with Jesus, they are transformed by the power of God’s Spirit.  The Holy Spirit inspires new Christians to adopt and apply Biblical values to address their needs.  Family, friends, whole communities experience this transformation!  Adult Bible-based literacy, Church planter training, Children’s Ministry Programs and support for persecuted Christians are the programs we use to deliver the Living Word of God in 43 countries.  By God’s grace, the eternal Living Word impacts generations to come.  THANK YOU for your support.

July 12th – Benevolence: Your contribution to the Benevolent Fund provides assistance for the needs of our church family and the local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of Benevolence.

July 19th – Resonate Global Mission is continuing their partnership with churches in Canada and the US to plant churches, do campus ministry, train and equip pastors, and develop future leaders. They continue to send missionaries overseas, proclaiming the Gospel, and forging lasting partnerships. In addition to this ongoing work, they are tackling new opportunities for ministry. Here in North America, we need experience in international ministry to help churches effectively reach across cultural barriers and forge partnerships within new communities of faith. In other nations, we need expertise in church planting and campus ministry to help people in every nation discover God’s plan for their church, community, and life. With your prayers and financial support, as a single agency we will be able to equip all our churches for ministry and join together with what God is already doing around the world.

July 26th – Christian Horizons is a trans-denominational, evangelical ministry that provides support to individuals who have developmental disabilities.  With over 157 residences, respite care homes and retreat facilities, they are Ontario’s largest provider of opportunities that create a fulfilling and purposeful place in society for exceptional people.

Karin Terpstra