Offering Schedule for August 2020

August 2nd – Beginnings is a crisis pregnancy counseling agency. They serve individuals for whom the birth of a child looms as a crisis, regardless of race, religion, or financial resources. Beginning is also a full-service adoption agency licensed to process adoptions. Their trained counselors can help you sort out your situation and options. They provide warm, caring, and personal attention.

August 9th – Redeemer University is a Christian undergraduate university offering programs leading to Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education degrees. From its Hamilton, Ontario campus, Redeemer has prepared graduating classes — the next generation of Christian leaders — for more than 30 years. Redeemer students are being shaped by the Reformed Christian commitment to see faith woven through all aspects of learning and life. Across the world, from the classroom to the convocation stage to careers and churches, our faculty, students and alumni are making an impact.

August 16th – Synodical Administrative Services provides funds for synodical expenses and offices, the Board of Trustees, and general administration. It also serves the church by initiating, designing, organizing, and implementing various programs.

August 23rd – Church Support Ministries (CSM)As a denomination, we are committed to meeting the needs of people doing local ministry; listening better and hearing more from our churches; and following the leading of God in the work we do together. The congregational services ministries seek to partner with your church and help you partner with your community and other churches as you respond to God's call to go out and love. Faith Formation:  We are called to express the good news of God’s kingdom that transforms lives and communities. We seek to carry out this calling individually and as congregations. And we join with each other through regional assemblies (called classes) and denominational ministries, in the firm belief that together we can do more. Faith formation ministries encourages and equips local Christian Reformed ministry leaders in their calling to shape lifelong faith formation in their context so that all generations have an intentional and resilient faith. 

August 30th – Classical Ministry Shares: Since 1862, as the CRC has found new opportunities to advance God’s kingdom and resource congregations in new ways, we have chosen to respond together as a denomination. Ministry shares allow us to combine our funds to do more than a single individual or congregation could do on its own. They provide a stewardly and cost-effective way of supporting every church and allowing us all to live out our God-given callings. Through ministry shares, offerings and other gifts, you help train pastors, plant churches, share the gospel, support chaplains, develop curriculum, and equip congregations with resources for worship, abuse prevention, disability concerns, elder and deacon training, racial reconciliation, and much more.

Karin Terpstra