Ministry Updates - April 16, 2020
Dear Congregation,
Mountainview’s mission statement says,
“We are empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will glorify God in prayer and worship,
grow in relationship with God, and go,sharing Christ’s love in words and actions."
I love the word empowered! We, everyone of us, are empowered… we are set free… we are unchained, unyoked, unfettered, unshackled… To me that means we are free to mirror the love of Christ, especially in a time such as this, in a broken world. As we glorify our God and grow in His presence, go, and know that people will see Him through us!
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”—Isaiah 41:10
Now, let me share some of the stuff that is going on behind the scenes as well as some updates in terms of follow-up.
1. Sunday On-Line Worship
We have now experienced five Sunday’s plus Good Friday worship via Live Stream on-line. We have heard back from some of you with both positive and negative comments along with suggestions on how we can improve. Thank you all for being open and for sharing your thoughts! I again wish to thank our audio/visual team and our worship planners for all the work it takes to develop what has now become our most important ministry during this “interesting” time! We will continue to experiment and make changes as we work to create a God-glorifying, positive worship experience. I just received information that we are reaching 499 viewers each week via our website Live Stream and upwards of 800 views on our YouTube page. WOW!
2. Committee for Protection, Integration, and Inclusion
Mountainview CRC endeavors to be a place where we seek to minister in the name of Christ. In recent years we have worked hard at developing and living within Safe Church policies and guidelines. We must now develop new strategies, procedures, guidelines, and a covenant for integration and inclusion of people with a record of criminal offence, for the protection of all members, especially children and vulnerable persons.
We know God's grace is extended to all people and we are resolved to provide a means by which a person with a record of criminal offense can live in that grace in the life of our congregation at Mountainview.
There must be more emphasis on our acknowledgment and desire to listen to and help anyone who has been touched by abuse. We must ensure care for those who may be survivors of sexual offenses or abuse, and we will work on improving our ability to offer them safe spaces and professional support.
We have now formed a Committee to develop working guidelines for protection, integration and inclusion, with the work to be completed by September 1, 2020.
3. Search Committee
Our Search team continues to meet virtually and have started to meet with prospective pastors. I know the team is very thankful for the many suggested names that have been brought forward. They have taken the appropriate time to listen to sermons, check availability and compare strengths & weaknesses to our expectations as a congregation. The search is narrowing and now more information is being shared between us and the remaining candidates. I will be joining the team for a few conversations in the near future. Please continue to pray for God’s guidance throughout this journey.
4. Staff
I have been asked, “What is staff up to now a days?” Well, they have been kept remarkably busy adjusting to, working in and planning in this new environment. Our Staff are meeting virtually 2 times every week to share successes and to brainstorm other ways of doing ministry in the current COVID-19 environment. Here is a run through of what they are all up to…
Cinde Draaistra, Custodian… Cinde is currently conducting a deep clean on all our furniture, especially all the chairs that have seen years of use and many spills over time. When the deep cleaning is done, we plan to have Cinde, and her sister Henny, begin to do some much needed painting in designated rooms and areas of the building.
Will Klein, Financial Administrator… Will has been kept busier than normal staying on top of incoming donations and their various designations, particularly because of the many ways we can now receive funds, and of course, without a counting committee at this time. Please be assured he does not mind. So, keep the donations flowing as Will also continues to pay our bills and keeps us up to date on our financials, especially cash flow.
So, giving… on the income side of things we are currently at 81% of our ministry promises (budget) year to date. Thank you so much for your continued generosity and support of Mountainview’s vision. So, I ask again, help close the gap to 100% by the end of April. That means we are looking for $66,000.00 in the next 2 weeks to catch us up. The best option for “first fruits giving” is to join our PAR program by simply following these links:
PAR form:
On the expense side we are at 102% of our ministry promises (budget) year to date, with most of our April obligations paid at this time.
Brandon Vermeer, Youth Director… Brandon has been staying in touch with youth and their families including virtual gatherings and game nights. Brandon and Christine brainstorm regularly on how to conduct this ministry better during this time of social distancing.
Christine Winter, Children’s Ministry Director… It is an exciting time in children’s ministry! Christine has been busy developing and experimenting with new direction, focusing on where parents and their kids are engaging. She has been sharing articles and resources for parents, connecting directly with families and with the small group leaders involved in this ministry. Middle school is running virtually every Sunday night through screen sharing apps. We continue to prepare for Summer Camp in the possibility that we can host it again this summer. Believe me, there is a ton of detail involved in this preparation and parents continue to reserve spaces in the hope that it happens. Final decisions will be made as realities are presented.
Karin Terpstra, Office Administrator… Karin continues to receive and respond to phone calls and is keeping up and communicating with new and existing members as well as people interested in Mountainview. Karin helps to keep our information current on the Bridge app, on our Website and also assists Christine in communicating with families interested in Summer camp and the planning for it. She mails or drops off paper copies of current leadership communications, Bulletins, Newsletters, DVDs and mail to those members who do not have email or internet. She keeps our records and database up to date and supports ministries where needed.
Alice Posthumus, Ministry and Worship Coordinator… Alice, of course, is actively coordinating our weekly worship. We are learning that needs and expectations are quite different with virtual worship. Openness, flexibility, and experimentation are being exercised. She is also managing all the staff mentioned so far. Work continues in marketing, web upkeep and development and staying in touch with various ministry leaders to help develop initiatives during these changing times. Staying up to date and keeping many of us up to date on what is happening not only at Mountainview, but also in the broader Christian community as well.
Speaking of broader community, we are looking to rebuild our Community Connections Team (formerly Outreach). If you feel gifted in the area of ministry or would like to learn more about it, please contact either Alice or Christine.
Pastor Fred Vanderberg, Pastor of Community Life… Pastor Fred continues to make phone call visits to many congregants; focusing of course on immediate needs. There are plans being developed and considered to conduct a Profession of Faith class online. Details will follow when ready. Pastor Fred reports that people in our congregation are being well cared for and contacted by our Elders & Deacons as well. We are blessed indeed.
Pastor Mike Collins, Missional Pastor… Pastor Mike continues to train, equip and ready us to fulfill the “GO” portion of our vision. Mike has met with our leadership teams a number of times, works very closely with our staff and leads the bi-weekly staff meetings with special emphasis on leading us in developing our vision moving forward. We are seeing positive results in streamlining and simplifying our communications as Mike, Alice and Karin are working together on this important ministry. He is spending a lot of time in front of the camera presenting our weekly worship with that missional element.
Over the next 3 months Mike will be working in these key ministry areas:
1) Conducting a virtual Alpha course.
2) Assembling a Small Group Team to review, recharge and fire up this important ministry. On that note, if you feel gifted in this area or would like to learn more, please contact Pastor Mike.
3) Helping the Church Board move forward with vision.
4) Strategizing with the prayer team to develop a prayer journey that involves the entire congregation.
5) Providing leadership in helping our Finance Ministry develop a “Narrative” budget for 2021 (one that comes with ministry purpose and goals).
6) Leading and planning (with Alice) the majority of Sunday worship for the next few months.
5. Church Board
It has been agreed by Council that we hold off on our normally scheduled voting/drawing of lots for new Elders and Deacons. The current elders and deacons will continue in their present ministry roles. Voting will take place when we can once again worship together in our church building. We will also postpone our normal spring membership meeting for the same reason.
Know that your Church board continues to meet on a monthly basis with some excellent discussions and visioning. I want to thank all of our Board, Council, staff and ministry leaders for the hard work that continues behind the scenes.
Be safe, be surrounded and comforted by the love of Christ, be blessed!
In His service,
P.J. Vermeer
Council & Board Chair