Covid Updates and Q & A - June 6, 2020
Dear Congregation,
It has been 4 weeks since I last communicated with you and our world just keeps on a changing. Not only are we still dealing with COVID-19, we are also in the throws of major racial tension around the world as a result of our southern neighbours and the push/pull actions of leadership. We live in tense times. But, here in our neck of the woods we are, thankfully, sheltered from most of that tension albeit affected by it.
I know that many of us have stories during this time of isolation and social distancing. In our family we have added another with the wedding of our youngest son Brandon to Katrina DeRoche. They married 8 months early so that her dad, who was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer just a few weeks ago, could be there. Two days later Katrina’s dad, Al DeRoche, passed away. All 3 of these events where extremely emotional, quiet, lonely, sad and peacefully joyous. We know and trust that this is all a part of God’s big picture plan. We have experienced our “Roses and Thorns” in the last few weeks.
It is time once again to update you all with some of the goings on behind the scenes here at Mountainview. I will start by simply answering questions that have been posed to me.
Is our search for a new pastor still going on? Yes it is. Our search team has been meeting virtually with a small number of potential pastors. We are now at the point where we need to meet face to face with these candidates. This will happen as soon as restrictions allow it to happen. The search team is doing a great job!
Whatever happened to the structure changes for our church? Well, a number of things have happened. Here is a short version of the main changes.
The Ministry Leadership Team (MLT) has been disbanded. The staff meets weekly for team building, review, discussion, and direction.
The responsibilities of the Administrative Services Team (AST) and the former Council Executive have been combined and a Church Board has been established. This Board consists of the council chair, vice chair, clerk, pastoral elder chair, deacon chair, ministry and worship coordinator and lead pastor. Working with staff, human resource, finance, facilities, and the safe church teams. The Church Board reports to Council.
The Elders Ministry Team (EMT) is responsible for the spiritual life of our community as well as the preaching of God’s word.
The Deacons Ministry Team (DMT) is responsible for stewardship and service in our community.
All records of all meetings and decisions from CRCNA, Classis, Church Board, Council and all sub committee’s and teams are filed in a Drop Box shared file which is accessible to all Council members. Very transparent.
This structure was approved by Council in February and took effect immediately at that time. This was two weeks before the coronavirus was declared a pandemic, and our world changed. It is going very well.
Did we have to cancel Summer Camp? After many scenarios where brought forward and discussed; the implications of safety and social distancing, the constantly changing rules and the total unknown of what will happen over the next few weeks/months in regard to COVID-19; it was recognized that a final decision needed to be made so that everyone involved including the parents of the campers where honoured with a clear decision. While we have cancelled in-person Summer Camp, if we receive funding from the Canada Summer Jobs Program, we are looking at hosting a small group online camp.
So, are we saving money from the budget because of the cancellation? No. The camp is totally self-funded through a Canada Summer Jobs grant and registration fees. Registration fee refunds are being issued now.
Have there been anymore changes with regard to staff? Yes, as a result of not using our building, the major cleaning and painting being completed, Cinde, our custodian, is on leave through one of the Government assistance programs. Other staff have adjusted their hours downward as well based simply on workload. We continue to have regular follow-up discussions with staff and are very thankful for the flexibility shown, but more so, for their dedication, hard work and adaptability to new ways of doing and running church!
Is there a plan for re-opening church? No, not at this stage of the game. As a board we are watching very closely what churches are doing in parts of the USA. We are staying connected with the many resources being provided through the CRCNA as well as staying in contact with the leaders at CRCNA Canada. We are also carefully following the government phase-ins. Combining all of the above recommendations, we will continue to respond and adapt as needed towards re-opening.
What is our financial situation in terms of income and expense? We are tracking pretty well on incoming funds for the budget. We have made up some ground for the poor first 3 months of 2020 bringing our incoming to 89% of budget/ministry requirements. Expenses are tracking normally, but we do expect to see some savings in the next few months depending on unforeseen changes to our current way of doing church. So, we are currently $39,283.00 behind in our year to date giving. It would be amazing to catch up to 100% by the end of June. Prayerfully consider giving a little extra this month. Thank you for being such a generous and giving congregation!
As we begin to prepare our budget for the 2021 calendar year, we will be asking all ministries to present their requests in the form of a narrative, outlining their ministry goals with a missional focus for the year. If you are involved in leading a ministry, please make a note of this plan.
For my devotions this morning I was led to Luke 10: 1-24. This is where Jesus sent out “the 72” with very clear direction and upon their return, with strong words of encouragement. It is verses 23 and 24 that resonate with me.
Then he turned to his disciples and said privately,
“For I tell you that many prophets and kings
wanted to see what you see but did not see it,
and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”
We have received the opportunity to see and hear through the eyes and ears of the disciples and the teachings of Christ himself as presented in the New Testament. Christ is also sending us out, equipped to be disciples and to make disciples right here in our own backyards.
I pray that you support Mountainview prayerfully, financially, voluntarily, and supportively as together we grow our vision to be a missional church to our local community.
Thank you to those who have contacted our leadership with your questions, encouragement, suggestions and comments. Please be reminded that you are welcome to email me at, or text/call me anytime at 905-971-4805. I look forward to the day that we can all meet together again and share our new stories in person. I do miss you all.
God’s blessings,
P.J. Vermeer
Board & Council Chair