A Note From the Chair of Council  - April 3rd, 2020                  

Dear Congregation,

Who would have thought that 2020 would throw us such a curve ball as we are in with the COVID-19?
Who would have thought that we would have to close our church for… how long? Because of a virus?
Who would have thought that we would be conducting all our meetings virtually? Even though we live next door to each other?
Who would have thought that a family games night would be done on-line rather than in person?
Who would have thought that we would require side walks to be at least 3 meters wide, so we don’t get too close to the human coming the other way?
Who would have thought that the funeral of a loved one could not be attended by anyone?
I could go on, but I think you get the picture. 

Now, down to the question… What is going on at the church?
First of all, we have been kept very busy with all of the changes that have been and continue to be made as a result of this COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to thank our staff for the flexibility they have shown as we transitioned them out of the physical church building and into their home offices. I tell you they are doing a wonderful job under these new conditions. Staff is meeting together over on-line meeting services at least twice a week to review; work load, where their energy may need to be redirected, major cleaning in the building, catching up on work that has piled up over time, planning our on-line worship services, adapting to conducting and developing on-line ministry opportunities and visioning and planning for the new world that we will wake up to as we come out of this pandemic.

We will share more detailed information on the individual ministries and the exciting things that are happening as the weeks go by. For now, we just want you to know they are all engaged with lots to do. 

What have we learned? Church is NOT the facility we worship in… Church is the people! People who desire and dare to disciple. People who help other people. People who follow the rules our government puts in place (whether we agree or disagree) understanding that God himself has put our leaders in place. People who continue to provide finances so that ministry can thrive in times such as this. People who have a hunger to understand God’s will in their lives.

By now you have seen the actions taken by our Deacons and the introduction of “The Deacons Corner” in our weekly publications. I ask that you read these carefully, understand that they are here to help anyone in need, as well as communicating all the options available for the opportunity to contribute financially so that we can continue to bless our ministry efforts. 

The Church Board has decided that the capital campaign dubbed “Vision 2020” will NOT go ahead as planned in May. Now that we expect to be in this new situation for the long haul, we do boldly ask that those who are able, please contribute extra at this time to the operating budget and for those who are struggling financially please do not feel anxious or guilty if you cannot contribute at this time. Collectively let us show that as a whole body we continue to be good stewards of our financial gifts.

As Pastor Fred and the Elders reach out to see how you and your family are doing in this new environment, I ask that you share openly including how you are really coping. Your honesty will help us to shape our ministry efforts and focus our time and energy where it is needed most. 

I will plan to communicate on a more regular basis as we collectively navigate through the weeks and months ahead. I would like to hear from you as well. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, things at church you would like to hear more about, questions you may have for our leadership. I will use that information to shed clarity for the entire congregation. It is easy for me to forget what you may or may not know or be aware of. My contact information can be found below.

I have no doubt that most of us are spending a tremendous amount of time watching, listening to and reading the ever-changing, constant flow of both correct and conversely, unfiltered news from umpteen sources. Just think what would change in our lives if instead we spent that time in the bible which is the same today as it was hundred’s of years ago and watched or read the news only for that time we currently spend in His Word? Hmmm…

In closing I know we are all affected by the COVID-19 pandemic differently. Some may still be in denial, some extremely afraid or anxious and everything in between. Reality is these thoughts come into our minds, and that’s okay. It’s okay to be frustrated, to lament, to be angry, to protest and to be anxious.  It’s what we do with these thoughts that’s important. In every situation hand it over to God. Only He can truly calm your heart. He will meet us where we are and carry our burdens for and with us! 

2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”  

2020 will go down in history as changing our world. The Book of Life will not change! What we do with it will.

Blessings to all of you, 

P.J. Vermeer
Council Chair

PS: I miss you all! 

Karin Terpstra