April 10th, 2020


Welcome to another week, and another Deacon’s Corner! We are committed to serving Christ during these uncertain times, and are reminded especially of His love for us over Easter Weekend.

For while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! We hope you truly feel God’s love as you remember his death and celebrate His resurrection.

Grimsby Benevolent Fund

We can spread God’s love and bring joy to others in our church and in our community in a variety of ways. As mentioned in our previous Deacon’s Corner newsletters, the GBF continues to require support. This essential organization could use your help, both financially or with support by food donations, to ensure that they are able to meet the needs of their clients. Donations can be made online by visiting their website, or mailing a cheque to the following address:

40 Elm Street
PO Box 231
Grimsby, ON, L3M 4G3

Food donations can be made to any donation bin at all local grocery stores, or outside of the GBF retail building from Monday - Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.  Thank you once again for partnering with us in our support of this wonderful organization. 

Faithful Giving

Not being able to worship together on Sundays and take up our weekly budget offerings has resulted in the need for some creative solutions to ensure we are still able to meet our budget.  

We wish to briefly outline these for you:

  1. E-transfer directed to treasurer@mountainviewcrc.org with the word “Budget” in the message field, and/or the name of the organization to which you’d like to direct your donation.

  2. PAR - an amount of your choosing can be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on a monthly basis.

  3. Mail - please mail any cheques to the church address: 290 Main Street East, Grimsby, ON, L3M 1P8

  4. Bridge App - this app has a donate function to donate by credit card

Need a hand with any of these options? Please feel free to contact your neighbourhood deacon. We’d be happy to assist!  

As noted in last week’s Deacon’s Corner, we had discussed the idea of having a “drive-thru” offering.  Given that our government and its health advisors are recommending that we do our part to flatten the curve by staying home, it was decided that we would not employ this idea.

Grimsby Life Centre

We recognize at times like these that there are many challenges, physically, emotionally, financially. If you are struggling with anxiety or loneliness and wish to speak with a counsellor or psychotherapist, the Grimsby Life Centre is here to help!  Simply call 905.309.0944. Phones are being answered Monday - Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

All counselors are working from home calling clients and/or video chatting privately. Each counselor has made a “confidential virtual office” in their home so that the Grimsby Life Centre can continue to help as many people as possible.

If you are not comfortable using the services that the Grimsby Life Centre offers, please reach out to either an elder, deacon or pastor. We are happy to assist with support at another facility. 

Neighbourhood Contact List

Have a concern and aren’t sure how to contact the deacon in your neighbourhood?  Please find our contact details below. (The Neighbourhood names are links to a Neighbourhood card with photos of your Neighbourhood leaders and their contact information (A few numbers and emails are listed  as well in case you have trouble with the links):

Neighbourhood # 1:

Jen DeJonge - 289-687-3484 / jendejonge@hotmail.com

Stan Veenstra - 905-563-6067 / stanley.veenstra@sympatico.ca

Neighbourhood # 2:

Derek DenBak - 905-359-2372 / d_denbak@hotmail.com

Will Visser - 905-329-0390 / willandlindsy@hotmail.com

Neighbourhood # 3:

Jonathan Buma - 289-260-2128 / jonathanbuma@hotmail.com

Eric Heinen - 905-945-2495 / eric.elsieheinen@gmail.com

Neighbourhood # 4:

Tim Eggink - 905-466-3684 / teggink01@yahoo.com

Richard Kikkert (Treasurer) - 905-957-2838 / richkikkert@hotmail.com

Chair of Deacons: Matt Oliveira - 905-730-0459 / m4olivei@gmail.com

Secretary: George Dekker - 905-945-3418 / ga.fm.dekker@gmail.com

If you have a need or a suggestion, you can always email deacons@mountainviewcrc.org as well!

Thank you for partnering with us as we aim to bring hope, healing and good news into our broken world and have a blessed Easter weekend!

Karin Terpstra