April 17th, 2020


As we settle into our new reality, we can take comfort in the fact that God is evident all around us. Our Creator has blessed us with beautiful spring flowers, a warming sun, and by using his people to bring messages of hope in their front windows and even with sidewalk chalk!  

For some of us, the COVID19 pandemic has left our routines relatively unchanged, and our physical, emotional and financial well-being unaltered to some degree. For this, we give thanks!  We also recognize that there are many members of our congregation and in our community that are not as fortunate during this trying time. 

Resonate Global Mission 

Resonate Global Mission is a ministry of the Christian Reformed Church that equips missional leaders, guides new church development and partners with CRCNA congregations and other churches and ministries worldwide. Their ministry continues despite this pandemic and has resulted in the need to find creative ways to both respond to the pandemic and continue to minister to their communities.  Resonate has provided us with three important things we can do to support their efforts. If you feel called to help, simply click on each link to learn more

    1. Pray for your missionary, church planter, or campus minister: your Resonate ministry leaders are experiencing stress and anxiety just like everyone else. Please lift them up in prayer and ask God for health and safety.

    2. Live God’s mission through your church: across the US and Canada, Christian Reformed Churches are rising to the occasion, filled with the Holy Spirit and ready to make a difference. Please join with what your local church is doing!

    3. Make a gift: if you are able, please consider making a special gift during this crisis. Your missionaries and church planters depend on support from Resonate, and right now, a generous donor has agreed to match any amount you give!

Grimsby Benevolent Fund

The Grimsby Benevolent Fund continues to require support as mentioned in our previous newsletters. Please consider donating online by visiting their website, or by mailing a cheque to:

40 Elm Street
PO Box 231
Grimsby, ON, L3M 4G3

Food donation bins can be found at all local grocery stores or outside of the GBF retail building from Monday - Friday.  

Thank you once again for your willingness to partner with us in our support of this organization.

Faithful Giving

We understand that in these difficult times, not everyone is in a position to give any offerings for the church budget and/or the organizations that our church supports through our offerings.  If you have been blessed and are able to give to assist in meeting our monthly budget obligations, here are some of the ways you can do so:

  1. E-transfer directed to treasurer@mountainviewcrc.org with the word “Budget” in the message field, and/or the name of the organization to which you’d like to direct your donation.

  2. PAR - an amount of your choosing can be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on a monthly basis.

  3. Mail - please mail any cheques to the church address: 290 Main Street East, Grimsby, ON, L3M 1P8

  4. Bridge App - this app has a donation function to make a donation by credit card.

Our weekly offering schedule can be accessed on our website under Weekly Update > Offerings. You can mail cheques to the Church for these organizations (place a note in the memo section), or look into that organization’s online giving options.

Christian Education Tuition Grant

To encourage families of Mountainview Christian Reformed Church to choose Christian education for their children, the deacons offer families with school-aged children a yearly tuition grant of $500.00 to one of the area Christian schools.  Simply complete the application form that was e-mailed to your attention and return it to our co-chair of Deacons, Eric Heinen.  

We welcome all applications, however if your family has been financially blessed and does not require this assistance, we ask that an application then not be submitted. If you have not already received this application by e-mail, please contact your neighbourhood deacon for a copy, or e-mail deacons@mountainviewcrc.org to request one.  

Karin Terpstra