April 3rd, 2020


Welcome to another Deacon’s corner! As we seek to serve Christ during these uncertain times, we’ve found it helpful to focus on our vision as a Church, which is, if you need a reminder:

“A community of believers,
being transformed by the love of Jesus,
bringing hope, healing and good news in this broken world”.


Please consider financial or food support for GBF at this time if you are able. Like many support organizations they are being stretched at this time and need our help. We encourage you to consider donating funds online by visiting their website, or mailing a cheque to the following address:

40 Elm Street
P.O. Box 231
Grimsby, ON, L3M 4G3

Food donations are also welcome. Food donation bins can be found at all local grocery stores as well as outside of the GBF retail building from Monday - Friday between 9 am - 4 pm.  Thank you for partnering with us in our support of this essential organization.

Faithful Giving

We’re excited to share with you that Will Klien, our Tresurer has put in place an additional option for giving, e-transfers. E-transfers should be directed to treasurer@mountainviewcrc.org with the

the word “Budget” in the message field, and/or the name of the organization to which you’d like your donation directed. If you like you can direct the amount to more than one cause, just specify the breakdown in the message. If you leave the message field blank, we will assume you you mean the Church budget. This account is enabled for auto-deposit, meaning no security question and/or answer is necessary.

Please note that Church budget donations are very important at this time. Our budget contributions are currently down to 69% of their usual levels (there will be more details soon on this). To remind you, the ways you can give are as follows:

  • PAR - This allows an amount of your choosing to be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on a monthly basis. This provides stable and reliable income and is the most cost effective way to give.

  • E-transfer - As mentioned above you can send e-transfers to treasurer@mountainviewcrc.org

  • Post - Our Treasurer is checking mail on a regular basis. You may mail cheques to the Church address: 290 Main St. East, Grimsby, ON L3M1P8.

  • Bridge app - Users of the Bridge app can use the Donate function to donate by credit card. You can also use our donation page from any device.

We have also been discussing the idea of having a “drive-thru” offering where we would post a couple of Deacons in the Church parking lot during a specified time slot to receive your offering in a drop-box. There are plenty of options above, but if this appeals to you, it would be helpful to know that. E-mail us at deacons@mountainviewcrc.org.

If you have any questions or concerns please email either tresureer@mountainviewcrc.org or deacons@mountainviewcrc.org.

Karin Terpstra