December 2021
Welcome to a new month and a new Deacons Corner.
As we come to the end of a long year, we give thanks for all of the many blessings experienced through 2021. We recognize the hardships that have come out of this year, and we pray that this Christmas season will be one of joy, and hope and love and peace as we celebrate the coming of our Saviour!
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “the Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him”.
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” Lamentations 3: 22 - 26
Stay tuned for our next Deacons Corner on January 2.
World Renew - Christmas Tree
As you rejoice in God’s generous love with those you hold close this Christmas, join World Review in sharing the light of Christ with those who experience poverty and hunger. Your gift for World Renew’s 2021-222 Gift Catalogue and Giving Tree Project makes your faith visible in local churches worldwide.
Feel free to grab an ornament from the Giving Tree in the lobby, or Give online at or donate online through the Bridge app or write a cheque to Mountainview with World Renew Christmas gifts in the memo line.
Grimsby Benevolent Fund - Christmas Hamper Program
We invite you to consider your local community's needs this Christmas by supporting the GBF Christmas Hamper Program. Here is the Ad for the GBF Christmas Hamper flyer.
Due to COVID safety precautions, we encourage grocery gift cards, monetary gifts, food, and toys this year. Thank you for your understanding! Please click this link Wish List for Christmas Hamper to see suggested Hamper items. Donate online, by phone, by mail, or by dropping by and saying ‘hi.’
To find out the many ways you can give, and to see a list of the items currently need in the food bank, please visit: Donate Now - GBF Community Services (
Refugee Family Update
We were hoping to welcome the Tooe family to Canada on November 17, however unfortunately the family was unable to come due to not passing the medical screening.
We praise God that the family seems to be healthy, and that as two weeks have passed, testing can begin to determine whether the family will qualify for travel. Pray for continued health and strength and patience for the family as they continue to await their new travel date. Thank you for supporting this family with us!
We now have an update from World Renew on the Tooe family. We give thanks to God that despite some of the family members testing positive for COVID, for the most part they were asymptomatic. And that despite receiving the disappointing news of their positive tests and resulting delayed travel, they remain healthy. Their 14 day quarantine period is officially over. Now testing begins to determine their current viral status.
As the travelling visas are firmly in place, testing can be completed immediately. We hope and pray for negative test results for each individual. Frequent testing will happen as deemed necessary. The organization does not wish for their visas to expire. If all goes well with the testing, a new flight schedule will be arranged and we will receive a the new Notice of Arrival Time via World Renew. Please pray with us for continued health and patience for the Tooe family as we anxiously anticipate their arrival.