February 2022


Welcome to a new month and YEAR and a new Deacons Corner!

We published our December Deacons’ Corner with the intention to start the year off with a new post on January 2.  This writer simply needed a break and clearly January’s post didn’t happen. So instead, we start our year off in February, but you know what - that’s OK!!

Life gets busy and overwhelming and stressful, and sometimes it becomes necessary to simply press the pause button.  Often that involves re-prioritizing commitments which can result in not being able to finish everything on the never-ending to-do list.

They key to knowing when to press pause, and then knowing how to re-prioritize is to seek Christ every step of the way - to simply seek him, sit in His presence and listen to Him.  “He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still.  And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:39  How amazing to know that our heavenly Father can bring that peace and stillness in any of life’s storms.

It is our prayer this month and this year that you will trust God enough to seek Him first, sit in HIs presence and listen to His voice in all that you do.

Stay tuned for our next Deacons Corner on March 6.

Benevolence Fund

Some of you may hear the announcement on Sundays for an offering being taken for the Benevolence Fund.  Perhaps this word, or this concept is unfamiliar.  Benevolence means to help or do good to others, charity, or the quality of being well meaning; kindness.

This kindness and generosity  comes in many forms.  There are some in our congregation who require financial assistance when they find themselves in tough circumstances.  There are some in our community who call on the church for help when they have trouble making ends meet.  In addition to those needs, the Benevolence Fund is also the means for the financial support being offered to the Tooe family both in preparing for their arrival and for their first year in Canada.

We have also used the Benevolence Fund to initiate our Baby Hamper Program.  When a new baby is born in our congregation, a hamper is provided to the family filled with much needed baby supplies.  Our partnership with The Grimsby Benevolent Fund has allowed us to support many families in our own community!  

There is a Benevolence Policy in place to safeguard the use of the funds collected, and we ensure that we are faithful stewards of this fund.

Thank you for your faithful giving and for helping us to partner with the many individuals and families who need a bit of extra kindness.

Refugee Family Update

We praise God that the Tooe family is now due to arrive on March 16, 2022 after a very long wait!  We pray for continued health and strength and patience for the family as they continue to await this arrival date.  The Deacons are so grateful for your overwhelming generosity and prayer support in our efforts to bring the Tooe Family to Canada.  We look forward to meeting them in person.

Karin Terpstra