June 6th, 2021
A wave of sadness, disbelief, confusion and despair rocked our nation this week in the discovery of 215 children’s bodies buried at the Kamloops residential school. For some, the existence of these residential schools was not new, but for others, this is the first time learning of their existence, their horrific purpose, and of the trauma that still haunts families in the indigenous community to this day.
We pray for peace, discernment, reconciliation and so much more as we process this news, as we learn about our country’s history and as we move forward in a way that shows love and encouragement to all of God’s children. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up 1 Thessalonians 5: 11 and love your neighbour as yourself.” Mark 12:31
June is Indigenous History Month and we remember the 215 Indigenous children who were found buried at the Kamloops residential school last week. We grieve and lament the role the church had in managing the residential schools. As a community of believers, let us be moved to action to help in ensuring Indigneous communities receive justice. Here are some ways you can get involved:
Donate to the CRCNA's Indigenous ministry: https://www.crcna.org/indigenous
Attend a virtual tour of the Brantford Residential School on July 21: https://woodlandculturalcentre.ca/july-virtual-tour-of-the-former-mohawk-institute-residential-school/
Participate in Hearts Exchanged, a new program developed by the CRCNA: https://network.crcna.org/biblical-justice/hearts-exchanged-join-us
Refugee Family
We continue to give thanks to God for His faithfulness in partnering Mountainview with the Tooe family.
Unfortunately, with respect to the arrival of the Tooe family into Canada, we do not have a date just yet. However, we have successfully fulfilled the criteria for being “ready” when that time comes, having secured housing.
The generosity of the congregation has been overwhelming to date. Thank you so much for your offerings of furniture and household items. We are happy to report that all of the large furniture items have been secured and we hope to move these into the home within the next few weeks. If there are a few things missing, we will be sure to put a call out for those specific items at that time.
We still require some smaller items, including:
pots and pans and cooking utensils
Baking dishes and pans
Kitchen towels and washcloths
Bath towels, washcloths, hand towels
Bedding and pillows
In the meantime, many members have been asking about the ages and sizes of the children in order to donate clothing and other items to make them feel at home. While we do not have any sizes for any of the family members, we do have their names and ages:
Kinmoo Tooe – Mother, Ywahaymoo Tooe – Daughter, Ehywmoo Tooe – Daughter, Moodawsoe Tooe – Son, Mookepawsoe Tooe – Son, Ehkelusoe Tooe - Son, Pawehkushee Tooe - Daughter, Moohaysoe Tooe - Son
If you have any items that can be donated, please set them aside and advise us by contacting deacons@mountainviewcrc.org, jendejonge@hotmail.com, or your neighbourhood deacon to make arrangements for these donations. Thank you again in advance for your generosity!!
Member Assistance
Christian Education Tuition Grant Application
To encourage families of Mountainview Christian Reformed Church to choose Christian education for their children, the deacons are offering families with school-aged children a yearly tuition grant of $500 to one of the area Christian schools. All that is required is that you complete the application form and return it to the Chair of the Deacons. Upon receipt of your application, a $500 tuition grant will be sent directly to the school of your choice and will be credited to your family's tuition account.
We welcome all families to apply for this grant; however, if your family has been financially blessed and does not require this financial assistance, we ask that you please do not submit this application. On the other hand, should your family require additional assistance beyond this tuition grant in order to be able to send your children to a Christian school, please feel free to contact the Chair of the Deacons. We ask that all applications be submitted prior to June 27, 2021.
If you did not already receive this Application by email, please contact deacons@mountainviewcrc.org or jendejonge@hotmail.com to request a copy.
COVID19 Vaccinations
We praise God that there is a vaccine available for COVID19 and rejoice with those who have had the opportunity to receive their dose(s). Recent reports suggest in the very near future, more age groups will have the opportunity to get their jab!
For information on how to get your vaccine, go to:
If you need assistance with booking, please feel free to contact your neighbourhood deacon, email deacons@mountainviewcrc.org or contact jendejonge@hotmail.com. We trust that God will continue to guide us and keep us safe and healthy through this difficult time.
Worldwide Pandemic Struggle
The pandemic has had a significant impact on our world, with certain areas feeling the effects in a more devastating way than others.
COVID-19 has pushed India to the brink of catastrophe as infection rates soar and the death toll rises. World Renew is responding to the COVID-19 crisis in India together with our trusted local partners in many ways.
Please join us in praying for India as they grapple with the Covid crisis. Please pray that God’s healing hand will surround those who are suffering and provide rest to those who are fighting tirelessly to assist and survive. Donations can be made: By clicking this link: https://worldrenew.ca/corona/india, By calling: 888-975-3769, By mailing gifts to: 3475 Mainway, PO Box 5070, STN LCD 1, Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8.
New Neighbourhood Teams
We are blessed to have five new deacons on our Diaconal Ministry Team, and with these additions, there are new neighbourhood teams to facilitate the needs of our members. Within the next few weeks, Neighbourhood Cards will be completed and shared by the office. These cards have pictures, and contact info for your Neighbourhood Elders, Deacons, and Ministers of Service. They will also have a full list of your Neighbourhood members on the back.
For now, here is your new Diaconal Team:
Chair: Jen DeJonge - jendejonge@hotmail.com; Vice-Chair & Treasurer: Rich Kikkert - richkikkert@hotmail.com
Neighbourhood 1: Frank Veldman - frankdveldman@gmail.com; Rene Moraal - rmoraal@hotmail.ca
Neighbourhood 2: Will Visser - will_visser@hotmail.com; Albert Witteveen - albert.witteveen4@gmail.com
Neighbourhood 3: Nick Kiers - n_kiers@hotmail.com; Jen Prins - jenkingma@gmail.com
Neighbourhood 4: T im Eggink - teggink01@yahoo.com; Chris Klingenberg - chrisklingenberg@hotmail.com