July 4th, 2021
Welcome to a new month and a new Deacons Corner.
It’s hard to believe that we are now in July! The kids have ended what turned into a tumultuous school year, we are still feeling the effects of the pandemic and the limits it has placed on our social interactions and our worship space capacity, and we mourn with the indigenous community as more and more graves are being found at residential schools in Canada.
Yet, despite these challenges and heartaches, we know that God remains faithful through all of it. We sing together, “Great is thy faithfulness Oh God my Father, there is no shadow of turning with thee. Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not, as thou hast been, thou forever wilt be. Great is they faithfulness oh God to me”
It is our prayer that you continue to feel God’s presence and faithfulness and that you have a safe and healthy summer. Stay tuned for our next Deacons Corner on August 1
Refugee Family
We continue to give thanks to God for His faithfulness in partnering Mountainview with the Tooe family.
We are so thankful for the generosity of our members in their donations. We have already had the opportunity to load one trailer full of furniture into the home and hope to coordinate a second trailer in the near future. Stay tuned if you haven’t been contacted yet for furniture and other items that have been brought forward.
In the meantime, many members have been asking about the ages and sizes of the children in order to donate clothing and other items to make them feel at home.
Sizing is unknown, however we can advise that the family has a mother who is 46, three daughters who are 21, 19 and 10, and four sons who are 18, 15, 13 and 7.
At this time, we are waiting until we have a date for the family’s arrival before finalizing our household needs, but note we do have need for the following yet:
Bed pillows
Large baking dishes
Sandwich plates
Drinking glasses
Two single mattresses
If you have any of the above items to donate, please set them aside and advise us by contacting deacons@mountainviewcrc.org, jendejonge@hotmail.com, or your neighbourhood deacon to make arrangements for these donations. Thank you again for your generosity!!
New Missionary
The Deacons are pleased to announce support through prayer and one offering per year for Gail and Yonas Gorfe - Resonate Global Mission; Ethiopia
Gail works as the Projects Manager at Bingham Academy in the capital city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This mission school allows the children of missionary families to have a solid education, allowing them to return to the academic flow of education in their home country. Without the school, missionary families would not be able to commit to their mission calling – whether it be medical care, programs for street children and orphans, church planting and leadership, seminary education or local community development. As Projects Manager, Gail develops school policies and procedures, handbooks and manuals. She also handles all the advance paperwork and preparation for work permits and residence permits for all foreign staff.
CONTACT INFORMATION Gail and Yonas Gorfe ggorfe@crcnapartners.org ADDRESS PO Box 4937 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
We hope to provide a further update on Gail and her family’s work in Ethiopia prior to our offering in September.