Where does the money go?

When you give money to Mountainview, we hope that you consider yourself to be giving back to God some of what he has first given you.

When Mountainview receives funds, we seek to be responsible in using them to promote God-honouring work around the world.

1.     Ministry Promise (Budget) – every year the congregation votes on a budget and thereby promises to pay for the ministry covered by that budget.  This includes staff and building, administration and material, anything we anticipate needing to run good ministry.

2.     Every week there is a cause designated by the deacons for support.  The offering schedule below shows which cause is on for which Sunday.  For more information on some of the organizations we support you can click on the ministry partners button.  And to learn about the people on mission around the world to whom we have made support commitments, click missionaries.

3.     We are connected with a region (Classis Niagara) and a denomination (CRCNA – Christian Reformed Church in North America).  Part of our ministry promise goes to supporting regional and international ministry through these connections as well. What are Ministry Shares you ask? Check out this short video… https://www.crcna.org/MinistryShares 

Note: Some offering dates will change over the year. Please refer to the Monthly Details to confirm.