Offering Details for April 2025

April 6th A.M. – Kathleen & Colin Wassenaar, serving with Engineering Ministries International (EMI) in Phnom Penh- Cambodia - EMI is a nonprofit Christian development organization made up of architects, engineers, surveyors, and construction managers who use their skills to serve the least reached worldwide. We design hospitals, schools, water systems, and many other facilities that enable our Christian ministry partners to fulfill their calling and transform their communities. Together we are designing a world of hope. Stay in Touch with the Wassenaars: send them an email if you would like to receive their monthly updates @;, or check out their blog that contains more photos and stories:

April 13th A.M. – Palm Sunday - Benevolence: Your contribution to Mountainview’s Benevolent Fund provides assistance for those in need in our church family and in our local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of Benevolence.

April 18th A.M. – Good Friday – Bible League Canada: All Peoples. Everywhere. Transformed By the living Word of God. Through our various ministry programs led by local champions, we continue to see evidence of God’s transforming power in amazing ways. It’s local champions who can best understand and love their local communities. The bibles you send equip these champions to continuously work in nearly 50 countries around the world to provide Scriptures and training so that people prepared by the Holy Spirit will be brought into relationship with Christ and His Church.

April 20th A.M. – Easter Sunday – Resonate Global Mission: He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! This centuries-old greeting proclaims the foundation of our faith, that we serve a risen savior. This message of Christ's resurrection was proclaimed by the apostles and the church worldwide today. Proclaiming this good news is at the heart of our faith and Resonate's mission work around the world. These resources remind us of the declaration that we are all called to make on Easter and every other day of our lives.

April 27th A.M. – New Ground (Diaconal Ministries Canada – DMC) - NewGround has been impacting communities for more than 35 years. God is always at work and calls churches to follow Him into their communities to share Christ’s transformational love with each and every person. Cities and neighbourhoods should be impacted and blessed through the social action and thoughtful cultural engagement of local Christians. The NewGround program of DMC partners with deacons and churches to break new missional ground, nurturing Spirit-led ideas into healthy ministries that bear everlasting fruit; assisting churches in areas like leadership development, fundraising, strategic planning and more. When you give, it’s about the people in your community who will be reached through your gift.

Karin Terpstra