Setting Up September - August 16th, 2021


We are in the last week of Kids Camp and that bitter-sweet taste is in our mouths.  We have loved having the kids and leaders and parents around; and it has been hard work.  We love to complete a big task like this; and it means summer is nearing the end.  We continue to love Christine Winter’s work among us; and we recognize that she is moving on now.  There will be a celebration of Christine’s ministry in an October worship service.

So in this bitter-sweet tasting season, let’s look forward to what is coming up in September.  First, we are looking forward to kicking off the fall season with an outdoor service.  The date in not final, but we hope to take the opportunity to have a larger crowd using the fresh air and vast space of the lawn behind the church building.

Second, we are holding training for Challenging Conversations on Wednesday September 8.  This training is in preparation for conversations to which you will be invited this fall as we discuss parts of our denominations Human Sexuality Report.  The hope is that the tools from this training will also help us in any other uncomfortable talks we may need to have as a community.  In this time of polarized opinions, it is vital that we as Christ-followers know how to neither avoid challenging topics, nor exacerbate the differences.

Third, our fall preaching series will be based on Karen Wilk’s book “Don’t Invite Them to Church”.  We are calling the series “Go and Be Church”.  It is an 8-week series on how to be on mission in your neighbourhood.  We are encouraging you as much as possible to let Brandon help you re-group into community based small groups for this season.  That means people living in Smithville joining with others living in Smithville, Grimsby-West with other Grimsby-West people, and so on.  The hope is that as you discuss engagement in your community you may also find opportunity to act on it together.  There are workbooks with daily devotional exercises and so if you were looking for what to do on that level this fall, we have a gift for you.

Finally, we are continuing to look at how much of our regular ministry we are able to do.  The hope is to be able to do everything, of course, but we will continue to monitor regulations and to look for opportunities.  Join us in praying that lives are touched by grace in whatever way we are able to minister in our communities.

                                                                                                                         Pastor Erick Schuringa

Peter Van Geest