What's Going On? August

What’s Going On? August

I love July.  Summer is in full swing and the pace of things usually includes enjoying a lot of outdoor activity.  August, for me, has a different feel as it signals that it is time to start thinking about fall and the next ministry season.

Our August worship services will start with a 3-part series on Acts 13-16.  The content for this will be more material from our BEMA trip to Turkey.  There are a lot of names and places in these passages that mean a whole lot more after having been to the locations and heard the backstory to some of the people.  In preparation for Sundays August 4 and 11, I would recommend that you read Acts 13 and 14 and list all the people that are named and the places that are mentioned.  For bonus work, find the places on a Bible map of Paul’s first missionary journey.  For double bonus work, find them on a present-day map.  As you read and research an ever-useful question is “Why?”.  Why did these people go to those places at that time?

As you may have experienced with the Laodicea message on July 21, there is a bit more information to these messages, so it might be a good idea to bring a notebook to help you capture things.  Also, since the pew Bibles have been removed for the summer, I encourage you to bring your own Bible for these services.  (Some Bibles are available in the cart at the main entrance to the worship space, if you forget to bring yours).  It can be helpful to see the passage as a whole in front of you and to be able to flip back and forth in the passage.

Finally, the last Sunday of August will be our outdoor service.  The plan is to use the casual context to allow for some interactive things in worship.  But no details are in place on that yet so I can’t tell you anything more.

Different final thing:  I often hear “You must be busy”.  Often that is true.  Less so in August.  So if you have something you would like to speak to me about and you have been using the excuse “I don’t want to take up his time”, this is a good time for that conversation.  Email ericks@mountainviewcrc.org or phone/text 416-689-8721

Pastor Erick

Karin Terpstra