Time to Shine - November 16, 2021

We are in a time that many are calling “liminal”, and since that is a strange word you may work with the assumption that it actually means “strange”.  It is actually a word for the space between two destinations like a hallway or an airport.  This space feels strange because it is a transition.  We are in a liminal space right now:  we are not in a lockdown, but we are also not fully in a new normal either.  Opportunities are opening up, and yet we are not sure we are all open to each of these opportunities.  Liminality makes this a strange time to lead and manage a community from a staff perspective.

Exhibit A:  The Parade will be live again this year.  I hear we did outstanding work last year with the drive-by parade in our parking lot.  Now we are back to making a float.  We are leaning into the theme we will use for Advent “Reckless Inclusivity”; however, that tagline needs some explanation so we are planning to go public with the softer version “There’s a place for you at Mountainview”.  We plan to have people riding on the float, but with open chairs for those who are not yet here.  What we need is a team to join us in planning and preparing as well as some to ride on the float.  Please help us do this.  Contact Alice: aposthumus@mountainviewcrc.org

Exhibit B:  The skating rink was a community success last year – a rink on our property that was developed with leadership by those living around the church property.  We hope to do this again and grow the community connections that take place.  We have some community partners; we need some Mountainview people to join the team.  Is this you?  Please jump in if it is.  Contact Pastor Erick: ericks@mountainviewcrc.org

Exhibit C:  Sunday morning worship has carried on throughout this time and is opening up more.  As we see more people coming in-person we are being urged to open up more kids-ministry on Sundays.  We are prepared in theory, but the practice requires a fair number of people to step into a leadership role.  We would also benefit from more people helping out with Sunday morning logistics from welcoming to ushering.  Again, let us know if you can help.  Please contact Karin: office@mountainviewcrc.org

Exhibits D, E, F and G:  I won’t list them all.  But there are a variety of places where someone’s time, talent and energy could be used.  Please contact Karin:  office@mountainviewcrc.org or Alice: aposthumus@mountainviewcrc.org for more information on other opportunities to shine.

One of the biggest challenges of this liminal space is that many people have been connected to positions in the church during casual conversations on Sunday morning while refreshments are being served.  We don’t have that time yet, and so we more reliant than usual on you reading this note and intentionally responding.  Please do.

Pastor Erick

Peter Van Geest