Food, and More Food... November 3, 2021

Food and More Food.

On Sunday evening a hoard of people descended upon the Mountainview CRC property.  Unlike most of the descending hoards on Sunday evening, this group was mostly in their usual costumes.  They gathered around Kim Heersink for instructions and to receive route maps.  They gathered around Brandon Vermeer to receive a prayer of blessing.  Then they went out to the neighbourhoods of Grimsby and gathered tons and tons of food.  There were so many volunteers and such a good system that in a couple of hours most of the food was in the gym and after a few hours the basic sorting was done.  Then on Monday morning the mountains of food were sorted by date, boxed, put on skids and brought to GBF.

“Many hands make light work.”  Thanks to all who helped out.  As I watched the beehive of activity in the gym from my incognito place beneath a blue wig, I was struck by the joy this community finds in engaging in efficient and effective service.  The words that came to mind were the last few words of the Cadet code which I memorized many years ago… “A Cadet must be...industrious and cheerful.”  There was joy in accomplishing this feat.

Way to go Mountainview!  Our efforts have blessed GBF with literally tons of food.  Lives will be blessed through this event.  And thank you Grimsby Neighbours, for your generous donations.

Due to the class act of our sorters, we have already been signed up to sort after the firefighters collect food donations at the Christmas parade.  Stay tuned for details.

And now for a different food sharing opportunity.  (If at any time during this paragraph you think “Does he always have to urge us to go one step farther?” know that the answer is probably “Yes”).  At the Classis meeting last week, Hilda VanderKlippe, assistant chaplain at Brock University in charge of ministry with International Students, mentioned how there are opportunities to invite students who are eager to experience Canadian events like Christmas dinner.  I know some of you live in situations where there are not many neighbours close by.  Others may struggle to initiate connections with people.  This may be an opportunity for some of us to bless people who are already interested in being neighboured.  Pray about this.  To see how easy it is visit

Way to go Mountainview! And keep going.

Pastor Erick

PS  If you have a little more time and are interested in a way to do neighbouring and support efforts to eliminate world hunger, look at this:

Peter Van Geest