Some People You Will Soon See

What’s Going On? Some People You Will Soon See.

For the first time since coming to Mountainview a year and a half ago, I find myself looking for outside preachers to come and fill in while I am away.  And apparently, this is not my strength because I did not find someone to travel here for the July 10 service.  However, thanks to the innovations we all learned through the pandemic, there are ready-to-go sermons online that can be used.  We went to the CRC worship ministries page and chose a sermon by Shiao Chong who also happens to be the editor of our denominational magazine The Banner.  The sermon is on Matthew 7 which is something I have been dealing with in the Bible Study at Evergreen Terrace.  It includes PowerPoint – which you have now become accustomed to and will give you more to look at than a “talking head” on the screen.  Most importantly, it is a timely and relevant message that is clearly rooted in the good news of Jesus.  

The last two Sundays of July, while we are on vacation, seminarian Jolene Veenstra from Ancaster will be preaching.  Jolene has just been hired as our second intern.  She will focus on pastoral care.  Her intention is to be ordained for ministry in an institutional setting like a hospital or long-term care home.  We already had her lined up to preach and I had some conversations with her earlier about a possible internship.  Now, in light of our present staffing needs, the board has decided to add her to our staff for the next ministry season to meet some needs around pastoral care visitation.  Jolene will start on September 1.

Brady DeBoer is also ready to start his work among us.  He will continue through the summer in Jarvis to complete his obligations there.  At the same time, he will be starting here at Mountainview preparing for the upcoming ministry season.  We will do a commissioning of both Jolene and Brady at the end of the summer.

Hopefully, we can also commission someone for children’s ministry at that time.  We are diligently looking for someone to take this role on at least a short-term or trial basis.  If you know someone who would fit in this part-time role for the next year, feel free to nudge them or let us know.

Pray that God will continue to provide in his way and in his time and that we would be attentive to his guidance.

Pastor Erick

Karin Terpstra