New Staff Members Coming In - August 24th, 2022


What’s Going On? New Staff Members Coming In!

It has been a while since I have written about “What’s Going On?” I hope you have enjoyed the break as much as I have. Now September is around the corner and we are gearing up, so you can expect regular communication like this from me or other staff.

This week we re-started staff meetings, which will now be Wednesday mornings. Our staff meeting this morning had a notably younger average age as Brady DeBoer and Ashley Van Geest joined us. We are excited to welcome them to the table and to welcome Jolene who starts September 1. You are encouraged to welcome them and get to know them (better) as well. Brady and Ashley introduce themselves below; Jolene will do so in a similar fashion when she starts working among us. This coming Sunday we will commission Brady as Intern Pastor; on Sunday September 18 we will commission Jolene and Ashley along with our many ministry leaders at Mountainview.

Here are the introductions.

Brady says,

"I am very excited to be a Pastoral Intern at Mountainview.  I love playing games, sports, reading, and spending time with people. I also love working with youth and young adults and I can’t wait to begin doing some more hands-on ministry, running youth group, teaching catechism,

spending time with young adults, and doing some preaching.  I plan on being in my office most days (the one by the library), however half of my time there will be spent focusing on my seminary studies.  My wife Shannon and I will be having our first child, Lord willing, any day now and we are also excited about parenthood.  I would appreciate your prayers on my work here at Mountainview, but also my studies, and for Shannon and I being first-time parents."

Ashley says,

"As the Children’s Ministry Director I am so excited to be involved in the inner workings of God, in our children’s lives.  I have always had an interest in working with children, which bleeds into my life as a paediatric and pre, peri post-natal massage therapist.  Now I get to integrate bringing these kids to the Lord and sharing His love and grace with the kids of Mountainview!  Children are the church, and I am passionate about facilitating a love for the Lord in the hearts of these kids.  Whether it be praise and worship, or crafts and games - my aim is to make it an enjoyable and fun-filled time for kids and volunteers! I will be in the office on Thursdays, Saturday mornings, and of course Sundays. However, I am always a call away.  I am here to support you in kids ministry in any way that I can.  I praise God for allowing me the opportunity to serve all of you and Him in this way and look forward to connecting with you and your children.”

We all look forward to a full staff team working a complete ministry season.  Join us in praying that circumstances allow this to be a season of blessing.

Pastor Erick Schuringa

Karin Terpstra