December 9, 2018
Luke 1:26-38 NIV
Message Notes:
There are many wonders. Have we lost our sense of wonder?
1. There are many wonders:
a. An infant discovering her body, sights and sounds of nature, love.
b. Fear, disappointment, restlessness, not belonging, not feeling at home erode our sense of wonder.
2. Gabriel’s announcement to Mary inspired wonder.
a. Mary was humble.
b. She was quiet.
c. She was willing to participate in something greater.
3. To inspire a sense of wonder in us, there must be:
a. Humility,
b. Quietness and
c. Participation in God redemption.
A sense of wonder ignites joy.
Small Group Questions:
1. Why did Susan, Edmund and Peter (Lucy’s siblings) not believe Lucy?
2. Share something that has inspired wonder in you.
3. Have we lost our sense of wonder? If so, why?
4. Did Mary display humility when hearing the announcement of Gabriel?
5. Why did she feel humble?
6. Is humility necessary to inspire wonder?
7. Mary let the words of the angel sink in. She was quiet. Is quietness necessary to inspire wonder?
8. Mary agreed to participate in God’s redemption. How does participating in God’s redemption inspire wonder?
9. Share an experience of when you were overwhelmed by wonder because God used you in God’s redeeming work.
10. Is it true that when there is wonder in a person’s life, there is joy?